Brnsted active sites are the active sites for alkylation and defective acid sites aid acylation. In addition to direct alkylation and acylation, isomerization is also observed.doi:10.1016/j.molcata.2006.03.050S. SudhaM. PalanichamyV.V. Balasubramanian...
alkylation, arylation, dealkylation, dearylation, C‐acylation, olefinationNo abstract is available for this article.doi:10.1002/chin.197942142FARCASIUD.WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbHChemischer InformationsdienstReversible Dealkylation of Protonated tert Butylbenzene Position of the Equilibrium , Dan Farcasiu, 1979 ...
ChemInform Abstract: Geminal Dimethylation of Acetylbenzenes for the Preparation of tert-Butylbenzene Derivatives. Simplified Synthesis of 1,3-Di-tert-butylbenzenealkylation, arylation, dealkylation, dearylation, C-acylation, olefinationAddition of Reetz reagent (II), prepared from dimethylzinc and ...