Terry FoxTerry Fox, statue in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. Despite undergoing numerous treatments, Fox died on June 28, 1981. Prior to his death, the government had made him the youngest ever Companion of theOrder of Canada, and he was twice named Canadian of the Year. Terry Fox Runs, which...
Posted on April 27, 2023 | No Comments Canadian Partnership for Children’s Health and Environment, Ottawa Health and environmental advocates today called on communities, school boards and governments at every level to accelerate the electrification of school buses, […] Continue Reading... Do...
今年的Terry Fox Run将于9月15日(星期天)在加拿大十三个省近千个地点和世界超过60个地点进行。每年在渥太华的活动都吸引了大量的本地民众参与。在行进的人流中,老人坐着轮椅,年轻的夫妇推着婴儿车,孩子们跟着大人骑着自行车,很多是一家人一起扶老携幼,边走边聊,有的还带着他们的爱犬,气氛非常热烈。 作为加拿大...