The Terry Fox Story: Directed by Ralph L. Thomas. With Robert Duvall, Eric Fryer, Chris Makepeace, Rosalind Chao. The true story about the Canadian cancer amputee hero who decided to run across Canada on only one leg to raise money for cancer research.
This Barbie/Oppenheimer trailer was all made with AI tools that are available to the Public. Yes some of them require subscriptions, but the fees are nominal. That’s how I made this hot date night for them. Now it is time for your feature Trailer… Like this:LikeLoading... Authortkcol...
Posted on September 4, 2023 | No Comments IPBES, Bonn, Germany Key role in 60% of global plant and animal extinctions; Annual costs now >$423 Billion – have quadrupled every decade since 1970; Report provides evidence, tools and […] Continue Reading... Amid...
Terry, Your “myth 5” says that users will never be forced to upgrade, but the last sentence says users can run an existing version for a year after a new one is released, which means they have to upgrade after that year, right? So, this doesn’t sound like a myth at all. Nearly...