terror alert terror bombing terror plot terrorisation terrorise terrorism terrorist terrorist act terrorist attack terrorist cell terrorist group terrorist groups terrorist organization terrorist threat level terrorization terrorize Terrorless terror-stricken ...
UK Is on Major Terrorist AlertByline: By James LyonsEvening Chronicle (Newcastle, England)
with concealment enhancers only achieving an average score of 3.30. Some respondents reasoned that TF prioritises concealing recipients over transactions and that it still uses ‘old school methods’ (such as cash transactions) compared to ML, an assertion backed by the UK’s HM Treasury and Home ...
I passed by the corner of the incident less than 24 hours before it occurred, and as a result I am much more alert to the danger of smoking cars. If the object of terrorism is to terrify, it hasn’t done much for me; I ride the subway a few times a week and will continue to ...
Putin said that a “new level” of security must be implemented at places where large numbers of people gather, such as at sporting venues, shopping and entertainment centers, schools, hospitals, theaters and others. Russia’s security agencies and police have been on high alert since the Cr...
Apparently smoke was seen in the vehical which started the alert. Maybe the device had not been triggered and it was the mist from escaping gas. Or maybe it had just started burning accidentaly for some other reason and did not go off because the terorists had not put the the safety cut...
Police are urging people to "remain calm, but be alert and vigilant" and said they're using "all necessary skills and resources" to deal with the ongoing incident, adding: "We are aware of reports on social media. We will release facts when we can – our info must be ...
Read the full-text online article and more details about "London on Terrorist Alert; Handful of Extremists Cells a Cause for Concern in the UK" - Sunshine Coast Daily (Maroochydore, Australia), January 8, 2011
Daft as the arguments made are, there is a grain of truth in them. Being in the UK one of the first things that alerted me to what was happening on 9/11 was the sudden non availability of large portions of the internet, which seeing as i was a IT manager for a network centric org...
Read the full-text online article and more details about "MINISTER IN SEPT 11 ROW UK Is Put on High Alert for 'Imminent Terrorist Attack' BALTI BELT UNDER FIRE" - Birmingham Evening Mail (England), February 12, 2003Birmingham Evening Mail (England)...