Twitter Google Share on Facebook an·ti·ter·ror·ist (ăn′tē-tĕr′ər-ĭst, ăn′tī-) adj. Intended to prevent or counteract terrorism; counterterror:antiterrorist measures. an′ti·ter′ror·ismn. American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright...
An Assessment on Internal Security Threat to Pakistan and Impacts of Terrorism on Economydoi:10.47205/jdss.2024(5-I)17Iqbal, MuhammadJournal of Development & Social Sciences (JDSS)
A new federal threat assessment from the FBI and Department of Homeland Security is warning about potential attacks at the Democratic National Convention later in August. The memo cites the recent assassination attempt on former President Donald Trump as the reason for the heightened concern. CBS New...
Is the threat of terrorism worth all the money being spent currently by the United States or is the threat posed by Al Qaeda and ISIS/ISIL and other terrorist organizations overblown and over hyped? What does jihad mean (and lesser and greater jihad), why is it often tied to terrorism, a...
The study also shows the vulnerability of commercial ships, cruiseships, and human passengers to this new kind of threat. The paper has also tackled assessment of impacts of this kind of terrorism act. It gives recommendation on the civil liability and the greatest risk in maritime environment....
India is under constant threat of terrorism for a decade or so. It is how time that we sit up and take note of the possible threat of bioterrorism. This paper examines the impact of a biological threat in general and proposes a conceptual model for risk assessment in the Indian context....
Risk for Terrorism: A Multi-Level, Multi-Disciplinary Approach to Threat AssessmentHart, Stephen D
A repeat assessment of the preparedness of public institutions around Yaba to the threat of terrorism. A call on us all to intervene where we can.Abraham Maborukoje Idowu