transnational organised crimeterrorismhuman securitycrime terrorism nexusglobalisationstate-buildingThis paper proposes that application of the human security framework enables us to see a negative impact of globalisation on the transnational organised crime and terrorism nexus. The main argument is that state...
The St Philips Criminal Group Organised Crime and Terrorism barrister team comprises barristers with a huge depth of experience in the defence and prosecution of such cases. Members of the team regularly appear in the leading cases heard in the Midlands and further afield; many of these have bee...
The UN-sponsored international conventions on terrorism and organised crime deal with a specific type of criminality which spreads across national frontiers. The suppression of these crimes is possible through state cooperation in extradition and mutual legal assistance. Hence, the object of these convent...
This is an introduction to the articles submitted to the special issue of Trends in Organised Crime on dealing with organised crime and the financing of terrorism. The aim of the special issue is to draw together a range of empirical studies from around the world outlining important ...
A new senior officer has taken over Police Scotland’s efforts to tackle terrorism and organised crime, as an assistant chief constable is investigated over a “criminal allegation”.Dec 7, 2021 By Website Editor Assistant Chief Constable Tim Mairs is stepping into the role while another ...
This paper examines the shift away from the traditional distinction between organised crime and terrorist groups towards their conceptual convergence under the crime-terror nexus narrative in the context of international security and development policy in post-Soviet Central Asia. It assesses the empirical...
1.(Government, Politics & Diplomacy) systematic use of violence and intimidation to achieve some goal 2.the act of terrorizing 3.the state of being terrorized Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006...
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The rush of action in the finale is perfectly organised and delivers every gleeful absurdity you could ask for, the ninjas rappelling into the lair, complete with a katana-wielding badass carving his way through SPECTRE operatives. The running joke about smoking being bad for your health finds...
their requirements and to find cost effective as well as customizable solutions. Furthermore, the platform provides a rich set of tailor-made services and toolkits exclusively developed with and for law enforcement personnel that is dealing with violent radicalization, terrorism and organised crime. ...