The first thing you can do to prevent any illness like this is to keep yourself clean, including wearing a mask and washing hands. By wearing a mask, you keep yourself away from the droplets coughed and sneezed by sick people. These droplets can spread the virus—as far as two meters!
Some days a horse will rest their little chin on my shoulder and sigh contentedly as I clean their water bucket, or use their head to sweep me into a hug. Some days are just awful because (the weather sucks/equipment is broken/ short-staffed/threats from horses/ faves leave or die). ...
Sometimes, code is just nasty as fuck, and any attempts to clean it up leaves you in a worse state. Writing clean code without understanding the consequences of your actions might as well be a summoning ritual for maintainable code. It is not to say that clean code is bad, but sometimes...
The first thing you can do to prevent any illness like this is to keep yourself clean, including wearing a mask and washing hands. By wearing a mask, you keep yourself away from the droplets coughed and sneezed by sick people. These droplets can spread the virus—as far as two meters!