Corruption: Ebonwood Jungle: Rich Mahogany Crimson: Shadewood Hallow: Pearlwood 每一个生物群系现在都有了独特的图像和木头类型: 腐化之地:黑檀木 丛林:红木 血腥之地:阴影木 神圣之地:珍珠木 Each brick now has its own unique texture 每个砖块现在都有自己独特的图像 Each brick wall now has its own...
EbonwoodJungle: Rich MahoganyCrimson: ShadewoodHallow: Pearlwood每一个生物群系现在都有了独特的图像和木头类型:腐化之地:黑檀木丛林:红木血腥之地:阴影木神圣之地:珍珠木Each brick now has its own unique texture每个砖块现在都有自己独特的图像Each brick wall now has its own unique texture每个砖块墙现在...
Due to how the Alpha was handled, the following is a list showing the ORDER of things added to the game, with the top most item being first, and the last item being most recent. This is a general list I kept on the side, as we did not track an actual changelog until release, due...
terraria中英对照表(国外英文资料) === building === Block, brick, wall Wood- wood Dirt Block-. Stone Block- stones Clay Block- clay blocks Ash Block- ash block Sand, Block- sand blocks
TSHOCK禁止所有..insert into itembans values("Dirt Block","");insert into itembans values("Stone Block","");insert in
Ebonstone Walls are naturally-occurring background walls found in the Corruption chasms. They can be destroyed with the Hammer. In Old-gen console version, Windows Phone version, Old Chinese version, Nintendo 3DS version, and tModLoader 1.3-Legacy ve
Wood ( Dynasty Spooky ) Red Dynasty Shingles ( Blue ) Anti-Portal Bubble Candy Cane Cog Coralstone Echo Martian Conduit Plating Pine Tree Smoke Sturdy Fossil Team Silly Balloon ...
Stone Wall4 Work Bench only:Stone Block Old Stone Wall4 Craggy Stone Wall4 Worn Stone Wall4 Stalactite Stone Wall4 Mottled Stone Wall4 Fractured Stone Wall4 Used in[] ResultIngredientsCrafting station Crystal Block 5 Stone Block5 Crystal Shard Adamantite ForgeorTitanium Forge Nebula ...
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1x 粉砖 Walls Wooden Wall x4, 1x Wood Dirt Wall x4, 1x Dirt Stone Wallx4, 1x Stone Gray Brick Wall x4, 1x Gray Brick Blue Brick Wall x4, 1x Blue Brick Green Brick Wall x4, 1x Green Brick Pink Brick Wall x4, 1x Pink Brick 矿石铜矿石 随机在地图各处 铁矿石 随机在地图各处 ...