This time, it's much more difficult with the new Goblin Summoner in the mix. She can attack you with her highly damaging spells. However, it is indeed worth the trouble to defeat her, as she can drop powerful weapons, like the Shadowflame Bow, which can prove devastating when used again...
Wiki Terraria 指南 本站文本内容除另有声明外,转载时均必须注明出处,并遵守CC BY-NC-SA 3.0协议。(转载须知) 本站是中文Terraria Wiki的镜像站,与Re-Logic、Gamepedia没有从属关系。(免责声明) 由于镜像同步脚本的问题,本镜像站暂停更新。请前往中文Terraria Wiki源站访问最新信息。 哥布林...
Mine used to be the Arms Dealer and Cyborg back when I was a ranger, but now that I´m a summoner, I have not liked them as much. I have grown a sudden fondness of the Party Girl though. So shes prolly my fave NPCArms DealerParty GirlCyborg ...
它是通过在[[{{tr|Guide}}]]存活时将[[{{tr|Guide Voodoo Doll}}]]扔进[[{{tr|lava}}]]池来召唤的。它是{{tr|pre-Hardmode}}的最终 {{tr|boss}},因为打败它会不可逆地在此世界中启用[[{{tr|Hardmode}}]]。它会掉落若干强力物品,其中肯定会掉落一把[[{{tr|Pwnhammer}}]],可以用来打破[[{...
麻花藤 鲜血之墙 12 wiki真是个好东西,答疑帖真是个好东西,汉化真是个好东西 来自Android客户端8楼2016-12-26 18:58 回复 扫二维码下载贴吧客户端 下载贴吧APP看高清直播、视频! 贴吧页面意见反馈 违规贴吧举报反馈通道 贴吧违规信息处理公示4回复贴,共1页 <返回terraria吧发表...
364 Goblin Summoner 4 Goblin Invasion, Rare Creature Gifted in the darkest of magics, she summons unfathomable shadowflame ghasts through a powerful hex. 365 Goblin Sorcerer 2 Goblin Invasion As primitive as they are, some goblins have the potential for manipulating magicked shadow energy throu...
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打倒肉山(Wall of Flesh)后可概率获得勇士纹章(Warrior Emblem)、召唤师纹章(Summoner Emblem)、游侠纹章(Ranger Emblem)或者咒术纹章(Sorcerer Emblem)。每一种纹章都可以和力量之魂、视域之魂、恐惧之魂各5个向上合成复仇者纹章(Avenger Emblem),装备后可以增加12%所有伤害。打倒Minic概率获得泰坦手套(Titan Glove)...
Advanced Terraria Links Wiki Community Others Like You Viewed Shadowflame Knife Night's Edge Blade of Grass Realm of Carnage (Deadly) Swords Top Pages this Week Bosses 1 Wings 2 Shimmer 3 Armor 4 NPCs 5 : Goblin Archeradded. Rocket Bootsno longer drop fromGoblins. Instead, they are sold by...
like to play a more passive role focusing on dodging more than attacking yourself, but Obsidian armor trades 1 of your minions for +20% additional summon damage, and +50% whip range and speed, which can allow for you to play a more aggressive playstyle compared to the traditional summoner...