Terraria饰品合成篇 本篇为PC版 Terraria 版本全饰品合成攻略。为了保证准确性,此篇攻略是严格遵循Official Terraria Wiki的内容而制作的。 正所谓,“工欲善其事,必先利其器”。在Terraria的世界里,如果想顺利地打败boss,除了娴熟的操作之外,优良的装备和适当的饰品也是必不可少的。但是,面对种类繁多、功能...
现在女性角色有自己的受伤声音了。 Corrected Hornet Backgrounds 修正了黄蜂的背景。 Corrected Giant Worms dropping epic gear. 修正了巨型蠕虫掉落史诗装备的问题。 原文:https://terraria.wiki.gg/wiki/1.0 翻译:土豆小雷君 这是由CHATGPT辅助翻译的文章。
"I dislike the Ocean, magic does not flow well in a place like this."When in the Corruption: "The abominations in the Corruption disturb me, like the darkest form of magic."When near the Golfer: “I love that there’s a lot to talk about with [Name of Golfer] the Golfer.”...
If you find a Magic Mirror, you can use it to teleport back to your spawn point. Water will break your fall. Torches and Glowsticks can be a light for you in dark places when all other lights go out. Torches won't work underwater, but Glowsticks will. Don't fall into lava without...
Terraria Wiki 探索 首页 所有页面 交互式地图 基础 物品 武器 工具 盔甲 配饰 药水 矿石 家具 物块 背景墙 时装物品 角色 NPC 敌怪 Boss 小动物 宠物 仆从 生物群落 事件 游戏玩法 困难模式 经典模式 专家模式 大师模式 旅行模式 多人模式 机制 制作 房屋 增益 怪物图鉴 成就 钓鱼 修饰语 指南...
{tr|Bars}}和[[{{tr|Chain}}]]制成)、[[{{tr|Lifeform Analyzer}}]]、[[{{tr|Magic Mirror}}]]或[[{{tr|Ice Mirror}}]]、[[{{tr|Metal Detector}}]]、[[{{tr|Radar}}]]、[[{{tr|Sextant}}]]、[[{{tr|Stopwatch}}]]、[[{{tr|Tally Counter}}]]、和[[{{tr|Weather Radio}}]...
At night, NPCs will be automatically placed inside their Houses if the player travels several screens away, or if the player uses any Magic Mirror or the Teleporter. The side, top, and bottom of the world will not count as walls. If a stone wall has been converted into Pearlstone Wall,...
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The destroyer does not despawn if you use a Magic Mirror or Recall Potion to flee and will instead follow you. This can be helpful if the player sets up a house near the spawn point for the Nurse to move in, aiding the player in healing if the player's health is low. As of 1.2...