治疗药水是个使用时能为人物恢复 100 生命值的治疗物品。 治疗药水可以天然出现在困难模式激活后的罐子、和困难模式之前地狱的罐子中。它是第二级别的治疗药水,第一级别是弱效治疗药水,第三级别是强效治疗药水,第四级别则是 超级治疗药水。血肉墙也会掉落若干个。 血肉墙目前是唯一会掉落治疗药水的Boss,其他 Boss ...
Potion Gravity Banner Gravity Globe Gravity Potion Gravity potion Gray Brick Gray Brick Wall Gray Grunt Gray Paint Gray Pressure Plate Gray Stucco Gray Stucco Wall Gray Zapinator Great Wave Great Wind Greater Healing Potion Greater Luck Potion Greater Mana Potion Greater healing Grebe Grebe Cage ...
中文泰拉瑞亚Wiki的译名标准化工作主要通过自动翻译模板Tc来完成。在此模板背后,我们维护着一个超过6000词条的标准译名数据库。 使用此模板可以完成各种名词的自动标准翻译输出,尽可能避免各种名词翻译不一致的问题,也便于统一修订调整译名。 通过将Tc嵌入其他一些常用模板(如Item link)的方法,使得相当一部分内容无需额外...
Wiki Community Potions Health Potions Lesser Healing Healing Greater Healing Super Healing Mushroom Bottled Water Bottled Honey Eggnog Honeyfin Horn o' plenty Mana Potions Lesser Mana Mana Greater Mana ...
Potion Sickness only lasts for 45 / 50 seconds. Strange Brew 80 ✔️ Also restores 400 mana, but inflicts the Mana Sickness debuff. Life Crystal 20 ❌ Also permanently increases health capacity by 20. Cannot be used if the player's health capacity is 400 or greater. ...
Greater Healing Potion Grilled Squirrel Grub Soup Healing Potion Lesser Healing Potion Lobster Tail Mana Potion Nebula Fragment Panic Necklace Restoration Potion Roasted Bird Roasted Duck Salamander Banner Sashimi Sauteed Frog Legs Seafood Dinner Solar Fragment Stardust Fragment Super Healing Potion Super Man...
它是第二级别的治疗[[{{tr|potions}}]],第一级别是[[{{tr|Lesser Healing Potion}}]],第三级别是[[{{tr|Greater Healing Potion}}]],第四级别则是[[{{tr|Super Healing Potion}}]]。 == 制作 == === 配方 === {{recipes|result=Healing Potion|expectedrows=1}} === 用于 === {{recipes...
Mana Potion 100 Greater Mana Potion 200 Super Mana Potion 300Lesser Restoration Potion 50 Shares a cooldown with most other consumable healing items. Restoration Potion 80 Shares a cooldown with most other consumable healing items. Strange Brew 400 Shares a cooldown with most other consumable ...
电脑版 更改了部分药水持续时间。添加了61种食物。 电脑版 添加了超级治疗药水、诡药、培根、变性药水和虫洞药水 。每种药水都被赋予了新外观。 电脑版 1.2.4: 现在有 22 种新药水可以从钓鱼和/或寒颤棘相关材料制作出。 折叠
If a player has total Luck greater than zero, then there is a (100 × Luck)% chance per catch attempt that the player's Fishing Power will be increased by +10% to +40%. Actual fishing rewards are not influenced by Luck beyond fishing power. The chance of catching Crates is not affec...