Terraria Wiki Discussions are now available on the Terraria Wiki. Miss the old Hydra Skin? Try out our Hydralize gadget! Visit the preferences page while logged in and turn on the gadget. CLOSE 本网站使用Cookie Fandom以及其合作伙伴在网站上将使用Cookie等技术储存和收集来自您浏览器的信息,进而...
Getting started(Walkthrough) Maintaining purity Hallow Jungle Temple Hardmode BossStrategies Queen Slime The Twins The Destroyer Skeletron Prime Plantera Empress of Light Golem Ocram Duke Fishron
了解更多 接受全部Terraria Wiki Discussions are now available on the Terraria Wiki. Miss the old Hydra Skin? Try out our Hydralize gadget! Visit the preferences page while logged in and turn on the gadget. CLOSE
刚发售完典藏就宣布不做了,官方wiki上还有那一排排的upcoming features,一种被坑了的感觉,还入的正版这件事有了戏剧性的变化,Gaslamp Games宣布有意接手Terraria,不知道Re-Logic会不会回应。p.s:Gaslamp Games是Dungeons of Dredmor的制作公司,此游戏百科http://baike.baidu.com/view/6138937.html。 虽说是小众向...
Terraria Map Editor, TEdit, is a stand alone, open source map editor for Terraria. It lets you edit maps just like (almost) paint! Tested to support Terraria (v1.3.2.1) world files (173). Wiki https://github.com/TEdit/Terraria-Map-Editor/wiki/Getting-Started Homepage http://binaryconst...
5 Wiki pages patched 6 Notes 7 References更新,被称为旅程的终点,是于2020年5月16日发布的主要更新。[2]更新日期也是Terraria的九周年纪念日(Terraria的最初版本在2011年5月16日发行)。Re-Logic员工已声明其为Terraria的最后一个主要特性更新。 新增 主要特性 添加了旅游模式,一个全新的世界和人物难...
If you have access to the internet, I recommend using The official terraria wiki. If you have a device that has terraria 1.1 (or in some cases, the release), feel free to use this wiki. Otherwise, search terraria wiki on the internet. This app has been updated only mere months ago. ...
Application Layers Commands Discord Relay Setup First Time Setup Server Owner Getting Started tModLoader TShock Configuration File TCR.json TerrariaChatRelay-Discord.json FAQ Websocket connection was closed! Problems persist? Join the Discord! Getting Started Clone this wiki locallyFooter...
Welcome to the Terraria Wiki that anyone can edit! Whether you're looking for information on monsters, items, weapons, NPCs, crafting recipes or even mods, if it exists in Terraria, you'll find it at the Terraria Wiki. While you're there, be sure to che