With Fallen Stars being considerably more common, it is worth upgrading boomerangs as they are found.花絮它不能从木匣中获得,尽管其余出现在木箱中的稀有物品有很多可以从木匣中获得。历史 电脑版电脑版 used to craft the Enchanted Boomerang....
中文泰拉瑞亚Wiki的译名标准化工作主要通过自动翻译模板Tc来完成。在此模板背后,我们维护着一个超过6000词条的标准译名数据库。 使用此模板可以完成各种名词的自动标准翻译输出,尽可能避免各种名词翻译不一致的问题,也便于统一修订调整译名。 通过将Tc嵌入其他一些常用模板(如Item link)的方法,使得相当一部分内容无需额外...
Enchanted Boomerang Enchanted Dagger Enchanted Nightcrawler Enchanted Nightcrawler (NPC) Enchanted Nightcrawler Cage Enchanted Nightcrawlers Enchanted Sundial Enchanted Sword Enchanted Sword (NPC) Enchanted Sword (item) Enchanted Sword Banner Enchanted Sword NPC Enchanted Sword Shrine Enchanted Sword Shrines ...
Template:History/title(查看源代码) Template:Icon-version/l10n(查看源代码) Template:Infocard(查看源代码) Template:Infocard/box(查看源代码) Template:Infocard/initOptions(查看源代码) Template:Infocard/mainheading(查看源代码) Template:Item(查看源代码)(受保护) ...
1.0.1 及之前版本里,这个位置是冲击枪。水瓶是在 1.0.5 引入的。官方发布版本里还引入了铜/银/金的镐、阔剑、短剑、斧、锤、弓,不过后来这些物品的位置有所变动。 ↑晶光刃也是在 1.1 引入的。不过后来其位置有所变动。 ↑针叶木工作台、针叶木桌、红药水、针叶木沙发(ID分别是 673、677、678、858)除外...
Desktop Sprite updated. Original sprite was view image. Now used to craft the Enchanted Boomerang. Increased max stack from 99 to 999. Now has a different falling animation. Fallen Star rates dramatically increased during Meteor Showers....
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Boomerangs are melee weapons that are thrown outwards when used and return to the player after a short amount of Time. They have a much greater range than most other types of melee weapons but are not considered ranged due to not requiring any ammunition
The Enchanted Boomerang no longer generates in Gold Chests, as it is now crafted instead. The Mace can now be found in Gold Chests.Desktop Enchanted Sword in Shrine background objects now generate rarer (as they mostly generate in Enchanted Sword Shrines now) and have a 1/10 (...
The Terrarian is a Hardmode, post-Moon Lord yoyo with a reach of 25 tiles and an infinite spin time, allowing it to stay in the air indefinitely. Similarly to the Flairon, it fires short-lived projectiles at a rapid rate that home in on nearby enemies an