Added recipe for Obsidian and Bone Platforms. Can now place torches on platforms. Desktop Cactus Platform added. Desktop 1.2.4: Palm Wood, Mushroom, Boreal Wood, Slime, Steampunk, Skyware, Living Wood and Honey Platforms added. Desktop 1.2.3: Added Stairs created from sloping Platfor...
Desktop 1.4.1: Jungle Torch crafting recipe changed -resulting amount and torch requirement increased from 15 to 25. Desktop Now used to initiate the Torch God mini-event. Desktop Bad luck removed. Desktop Max stack for all torches increased from 99 to 999. ...
Desktop Crafting recipe now only requires 15 Meteorite Bars instead of 20.Desktop 1.1: Now craftable into Phasesabers.Desktop-Release: Introduced.Console versionConsole 1.0.933.1: Crafting recipe now only requires 15 Meteorite Bars instead of 20. ()...
The Recall Potion recipe now utilizes Daybloom instead of Deathweed. 回忆药水的配方现在使用太阳花而不是死亡草。 Spectral fish are a bit easier to catch. 幽魂鱼稍微容易抓上来了。(译者按:这个幽魂鱼也许是现在的镜面鱼,或者是渔夫任务的幻影鱼?) Bait now lasts a bit longer. 鱼饵现在持续稍微长一点...
recipe Ranged weapons/row Ranger Emblem Rapid Healing Rare Rare Enchantment Rare enemies Rarity Rarity/it Rarity/vi Rash Rat Rat Cage Rate of fire Ravager Scorpion Banner Raven Raven (buff) Raven Banner Raven Staff Ravens Ravens (buff) Ray Gunner Razorblade Typhoon Razorpine Re-Logic Re-Logic/...
Desktop 1.4.1: Jungle Torch crafting recipe changed -resulting amount and torch requirement increased from 15 to 25. Desktop Now used to initiate the Torch God mini-event. Desktop Bad luck removed. Desktop Max stack for all torches increased from 99 to 999. ...
Trap Door Music Box Monoliths Water Fountains Chimney Bubble Machine Fireworks Box Firework Fountain Firework Rockets Fog Machine Party Center Silly Balloon Machine Functional Statues Lever Switch Detonator Pressure Plates Timers Actuator...
Currently selected recipe now has a gold highlight. The currently active hotbar slot is now brighter when the inventory is open. Paint, Actuators, and Ale can now be placed in Ammo Slots. Sorting your inventory will now attempt to put ammo in any free Ammo slots. Sorting your inventory wi...