cloud, Boolean overwrite) 在 Terraria.Player.InternalSavePlayerFile(PlayerFileData playerFile) 在 Terraria.Player.<>c__DisplayClass1706_0.<SavePlayer>b__0() 在 Terraria.Utilities.FileUtilities.ProtectedInvoke(Action action) 在 Terraria.Player.SavePlayer(PlayerFileData playerFile, Boolean skipMapSave)...
You're not signed in! Open this page in the Steam App to wishlist, follow, purchase and see recommendations All Games>Indie Games>Terraria Community Hub Terraria Dig, fight, explore, build! Nothing is impossible in this action-packed adventure game. Four Pack also available!
(String superSavePath, String source, String destination, String maxVersionOfSource, Boolean isCloud, Boolean isAtomicLockable) in tModLoader\Terraria\Program.TML.cs:line 166A 网页链接 file containing error information has been generated inD:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\tModLoader\...
If all else fails, you might need to reinstall Terraria. Don't worry; your worlds and characters will stay intact in your local storage. Steam also automatically stores game saves in its cloud, letting you restore the progress once you reinstall the game. Here's how to reinstall Terraria on...
(I have had luck with Recuva) and point it to the Steam cloud temporary location. With luck, it's recoverable. (This can happen when no valid files are present in the Documents location, so go to cloud, local, then cloud.) If you have more than one set of files, go for the most...
It always feels like there's always something new to find and explore. It actually reminds me of an old PS2 game I liked, called Dark Cloud. You can build up your town, and as you do, you summon NPCs to live there. These NPCs can heal your wounds, sell you gear and items, or ...
Application Splash screen Startup tips links to wiki from help button or F1 automatic error reporting load Steam cloud save files, or open the folder conveniently, somehow in the UI. #948 Better Zoom Control - zoom should keep tile under...
A Terraria server provides a platform for players to connect over the internet or other network for multiplayer games. Windows installations of Terraria include its server software. For running on a Linux distribution, you must download the server files.
例如:2020-05-18-『寰宇摸君』 ④直接解压缩到Players文件夹里,覆盖你的丢失的存档(那个文件夹里文件是空的,也是为什么人物上 共5 张 贴吧用户_... 10-7 1 找个mod 熙焚娜 应该是一个NPCmod,里面有个npc的对话框里有取消事件 豌豆... 10-7 ...
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