There is now a toggle in your inventory, that when clicked, will LOCK your hot-bar and not allow you to change your currently used hot-bar item by clicking it with the mouse, only the 1 - 9 hot -keys and mouse-wheel will scroll them at that point. 现在物品栏有一个切换选项,就是在...
If you place a bed somewhere that would cause you to not spawn without breaking through blocks you will now get a message when trying to set your spawn point letting you know the bed is not in a suitable position. 如果你把床放在某个地方,导致你在不破坏方块的情况下无法生成,你现在会在尝试...
Added Config.json setting "UseSmartWallReplacement", on by default, if you set it off: automatic wall replacement while building will be disabled 添加了Config.json设置“UseSmartWallReplacement”,默认为开,如果你设置关:建造时自动放置墙壁被禁用(译者注:配置名称是“使用智能墙壁放置”) Added Config.json...
修复了 an issue where Angry Tumblers would kill you in the desert, and then track you down from hundreds of blocks away and attack you again at your spawn point 修复了 an issue where only Lost Girl could drop coins, not Nymph. Also applied to Slimer and several other form changing enemie...
[CODE]Terraria.NPC::SpawnNPC() private static int defaultMaxSpawns = 5; private static int defaultSpawnRate = 600;At some point: NPC.spawnRate = NPC.defaultSpawnRate; NPC.maxSpawns = NPC.defaultMaxSpawns;if (Main.GameModeInfo.IsJourneyMode) { CreativePowers.SpawnRateSliderPerPlayerPower power...
setting Lighting settings Lightless Chasms Lightning Lightning Aura Lightning Aura Cane Lightning Aura Rod Lightning Aura Sentry Lightning Aura Staff Lightning Aura sentry summons Lightning Aura summon weapons Lightning Boots Lightning Boots/Crafting tree Lightning Bug Lightning Bug in a Bottle Lightning ...
See alsoBedsfor setting a player's spawn point. AHouse(orHome) is a structure built by the player that TownNPCsrequire in order to spawn, with one House required per NPC. A structure must meet several requirements in order to function as a House (see details below). You can check if ...
Damage reduction Death Defense Drowning Extra jump Fall damage Ghost Hairstyles Health Health regeneration Inventory Loadouts Luck Mana Movement speed Player stats Social slots Spawn...
Fixed a bug where a character could sometimes spawn in the Crimson biome in the newly created world Resolved a bug where the “Lucky Break” accomplishment would unlock without fulfilling the given criteria Fixed a bug that caused the grid cursor to not move along with the player character Reso...
The Graveyard is a mini-biome that starts to appear when five or more Tombstones are in close proximity of the player and becomes a functional biome when at least 7 tombstones are nearby [1]. Unique Graveyard enemies spawn here day and night, as well as