"StatueSpawn200": 3, //雕像在 200 格内生成最大数量"StatueSpawn600": 6, //同上,但是是 600 格"StatueSpawnWorld": 10, //雕像可以生成多少 npc"PreventBannedItemSpawn": false, //是否开启防止被禁的物品生成或指令拿到"PreventDeadModification": true, //是否开启阻止玩家在死亡后与世界互动"Prevent...
NPC's killnpcs - Kill friendly NPC's backup - Backup your inventory (not accross game launches currently) restore - Restores backed up inventory (not accross game launches currently) fullstack - Fills all stacks in inventory to full itemprefix - Spawn an item with set prefix item - Spawn ...
The command ban <player> will ban the indicated player from the server. A banned player, when they try to login, will be displayed the message:You are banned for [duration]: [reason]- [modname]. A banned player may then be un-banned by editing the file "banlist.txt," which is ...
The Celestial Towers will be more spread out, reducing the likelihood of the player's base and NPC homes being overrun. The evil biome or hallow is less likely to spawn near the Jungle, for the same reason as above. The surface terrain tends to be more varied and interesting. Abandoned ...
On certain devices, the game crashes when the bot reaches the stage where it sends packet number 12 (0xC Player Spawn) to the server. I’ve tried to find the cause, but I haven’t been able to and the tools aren’t ready. The NPC_ID in Journey mode is an unknown value. This ma...
public virtual bool CanTownNPCSpawn(){return false;}public virtual void OnSpawn(){}public virtual string CheckConditions(int minX, int maxX, int minY, int maxY){return null;}public virtual bool PreAI(){return true;}public virtual void AI(){}public virtual void PostAI(){}public virtual ...
* New NPC - A Clothier will now move into your town when the conditions are met. *新NPC - 当条件得到满足时一个裁缝现在会搬到你的城镇。 * Enemy spawn distance has been pushed back to the maximum resolution to ensure that they will never spawn on the screen. *敌人生成距离推回到最大分辨...
Dans Terraria, les ennemis, créatures et autres PNJs vont apparaître (« NPC spawning » en anglais) hors-écran et entreront dans la zone de l'écran en fonction de leur IA. Le rythme auquel les ennemis sont engendrés, le nombre maximum d'ennem
* You can now acquire the Nurse NPC NPP upon completting main quest.* Events now have Cyan color.* Life no longer gets back to the max value on free mode characters.* Players with immunity command on, no longer get hurt by debuffs.* Fixed a problem where you could get exp drain on...
terraria联机指令 Tshock: 指令: 01.TShockrequiresyoutobeloggedintoanadministrator-levelusertorunmostcommands.Mostofthesecommandscanaltergameplaysignificantly 02. 03.Type/help1-5in-gametoviewtherestofthecommands.显示指令列表 04.Completecommandlist:指令列表详解 05.Commandsavailabletoeveryone提供给所有人...