A town is a player-created mini-biome where three or more NPCs are present (including the Old Man, Traveling Merchant, and town pets). Towns reduce the spawn rate of enemies, and towns with three or more inhabitants have unique music tracks for both day
Current Try not to accidentally make aGraveyard biomein the early game, Master ModeGhostswill kill you and continue to if they pick up coins. Knowing where bosses are is invaluable in master mode, you should keep up the minimap or overlay map during a boss fight for better clarity. ...
Critical hits occur randomly when striking enemies. By default, each successful hit on an enemy has a 4% chance of being a "critical hit", dealing approximately double the usual damage of the weapon in use with 40% more knockback. A small number of weapons have a base critical strike ...
(Prefix) Light Disc Light Discs Light Disk Light Mode Light Mummies Light Mummy Light Mummy Banner Light Orb Light Pet Light Pet/cs Light Pets Light Pets/cs Light Shard Light Source Light Source items Light Sources Light disk Light mode Light modes Light pet Light source Light sources Lighting...
* Enemy spawn distance has been pushed back to the maximum resolution to ensure that they will never spawn on the screen. *敌人生成距离推回到最大分辨率以确保它们不会在屏幕上生成。 * Enemy spawn rates have been adjusted to account for the increased spawn distance. *敌人生成几率被调整以适应增加...
Fixed Lavafly Jar not counting as a light source for housing Fixed a bug with Boulder traps causing overlap issues with chests if they generated too close Fixed NPCs standing in front of each other too often, and Town Pets standing over chairs and blocking Town NPCs Fixed a bug where Life...
Critical hits occur randomly when striking enemies. By default, each successful hit on an enemy has a 4% chance of being a "critical hit", dealing approximately double the usual damage of the weapon in use with 40% more knockback. A small number of weapons have a base critical strike ...
Bestiary completion is now a bit easier as theBlack SlimeandBlue Jellyfishnow spawn inHardmode. Fixed an issue where multiple flying critters were not always counting towards the Bestiary. Fixed the background for theGiant Flying Fox. Fixed theLight Lamia's Bestiary entry not showing them as ...