TheBoss Checklistmod is one of the simpler ones, but it’s practically essential, especially if you plan on installing a bunch of other mods that pack in more bosses. What it does is it gives you a list of the bosses in-game and gives you the option to check them off so you can e...
Seek out the rarest items in the game, such as the Nymph Banner or Pinky Banner. Find bugs and glitches so developers can fix them. Create a mod or texture pack, or maybe an adventure/puzzle map. Become a wiki contributor! Get every item in the duplication window (Journey Mode).V...
来亿点MOD第四期yiyang233 发消息 Terraria玩家会一点Tmodloader 还有GMS 关注14.1万 默认收藏夹 1/85 创建者:新眀称 收藏 [Terraria]自制boss:光之女皇重置 — “羲和” 272.3万播放 【CTGP Deluxe】昆布赛道,但是是马车8 1510播放 [Murder!Former Time Trio]Never Ending Disaster ~ Triple The Prayers 15...
来亿点MOD第四期yiyang233 发消息 Terraria玩家会一点Tmodloader 还有GMS 关注14.1万 默认收藏夹 1/85 创建者:新眀称 收藏 [Terraria]自制boss:光之女皇重置 — “羲和” 272.3万播放 【CTGP Deluxe】昆布赛道,但是是马车8 1510播放 [Murder!Former Time Trio]Never Ending Disaster ~ Triple The Prayers 15...