首先运行游戏后点击Multiplayer,会出现下列界面:Join via IP<<通过IP加入别人的游戏Join via Steam<<通过Steam加入别人的游戏Host & Play<<创建服务器并且开始游戏我们点击Host & Play,创建服务器。出现Select Player,选择你的人物存档。继续后出现Select World选择你的世界,继续 6楼2015-07-31 15:08 回复 ...
That’s it! Now, scroll down to theConnection infosection to obtain the IP address. Then, open theTerraria Game Client→Multiplayerand enter the details to connect to the server. How to manually host a dedicated server in Terraria If you wish to use another operating system or configure addi...
A Terraria server provides a platform for players to connect over the internet or other network for multiplayer games. Windows installations of Terraria include its server software. For running on a Linux distribution, you must download the server files. See the Downloads section. ...
The core gameplay of the game revolves around the player’s main character that must survive in a harsh environment without many resources.But, as time goes on, resource gathering and crafting can help players to start building structures, making more efficient weapons, and successfully fighting ...
i used to play this first on Xbox made some really great memories on there with my brother but when i got it for pc that's when everything changed for the better everything becomes so much more accessible and fun and multiplayer can be laggy but if you play with 2 people is generally...
The Tally Counter is a post-Skeletron informational accessory which displays how many enemies of a type have been killed. The Tally Counter will first display "Kill count unavailable" underneath the map/health area and after an enemy has been attacked, t
修复了 an issue where the Bee Mount did not sync its hovering with servers, resulting in unusual visual issues for other players 修复了 a multiplayer issue where placing a block over, harvesting with Staff of Regrowth, replacing with seeds, or otherwise harvesting alchemy herbs would not provide...
TCP: 3074 UDP: 88, 500, 3074, 3544, 4500 We have guides that are custom tailored for Terraria that will show you the incoming ports that need to be forwarded.
Multiple Pumpkings can be out at the same time, up to six at the final fifteenth wave (or even more in multiplayer). The mini-boss possesses two arms with scythes which swing and fire projectiles at the player, similarly to Skeletron. It cycles through modes of attack from swinging at ...
The Nurse is an NPC that will spawn once the following criteria have been met: There is an empty house. The player's maximum health is greater than 100. The Merchant is present. The Nurse will heal the player's health and cure them of any active debuffs