167 -- 4:47 App Terraria 1.4.1 Whip Tier List! 421 3 9:23 App Installing Terraria 1.4 Texture Packs is still a Mistake... 1.8万 33 4:00 App [Terraria]新星毁灭者 595 1 8:21 App Terraria Craft - The best mod EVER MADE! (3D Terraria!)信息...
Calamity Pack The idea behind theCalamity Packis to make it fit with Terraria’s Calamity mod and bring a cohesive feel to the game. More than one thousand sprites were pulled together from the community to make this texture pack work as intended, and it seems to work quite well. The Cal...
直接上mod列表: 图中就是所以这次要用的mod:由于星蝶公主没有写文案,只加两个boss(应该是三个)和一次入侵;灾厄,大家都知道;永恒意志,由于开局肉后和抽奖系统(装备箱)被人熟知 单人生 911834 terraria吧 SianYK 【TMod】CalamityMod/灾厄Mod 科普/介绍贴 2.0大家好这里是海螺,这次来写灾厄贴2.0,唔,为什么是...
W1K's tConfig Modpackshttps://w1ks-tconfig-modpacks.fandom.com 备注 模组通常是为了自定义特定版本的泰拉瑞亚而构建的,与其他版本一起使用时可能会导致问题。 安装多个模组也可能会导致冲突。严重的冲突可能会导致无法创建新世界。 由于模组未经官方测试或认可,因此不保证其可靠性。建议 tModLoader 玩家在尝试...
Super Terraria Worldhttps://superterrariaworld.fandom.comA standalone (i.e., non-tModLoader) massively-multiplayer online role-playing overhaul mod. The primary goal is to bring a classic MMORPG experience to the masterpiece that isTerraria. ...
W1K's tConfig Modpackshttps://w1ks-tconfig-modpacks.fandom.com 備註 模組通常是為了自定義特定版本的泰拉瑞亞而構建的,與其他版本一起使用時可能會導致問題。 安裝多個模組也可能會導致衝突。嚴重的衝突可能會導致無法創建新世界。 由於模組未經官方測試或認可,因此不保證其可靠性。建議 tModLoader 玩家在嘗試...
Calamity, Thorium, The Stars Above, Spirit, etc.But take care, since some of these are mutually exclusive. Still, there is so much content.I have "finished" this game three times since 2013 when I first discovered it on a playthrough of Totalbiscuit and Jesse Cox. It never got old for...