There is now a toggle in your inventory, that when clicked, will LOCK your hot-bar and not allow you to change your currently used hot-bar item by clicking it with the mouse, only the 1 - 9 hot -keys and mouse-wheel will scroll them at that point. 现在物品栏有一个切换选项,就是在...
The amount of meteorite required for crafting has been decreased 降低了制造所需的陨铁矿数量 Meteorite armor has more defense and does more damage 陨铁套有了更高的防御,并造成更多伤害 Silt and slush can be extracted into useful materials, items, and money ...
修复了 an issue where the glowing parts of Meteorite and Martian Platforms would not change position to match when they were hammered 修复了 a stray pixel that would flicker off and on in the Goldfish Bowl 修复了 a stray pixel on Pumpkin Doors 修复了 an issue where Pumpkin Blocks were missi...
Fixed goblin scouts dispawning not spawning (or rather, despawning super fast) 修复了哥布林斥候还没生成就消失(或者说,消失速度超级快) Fixed vortex weapons not scaling with ranged damage or knockback (or stealth, or anything, sorry!) 修复了漩涡武器不受远程伤害和击退的加成(还有潜行,还有其他的,抱...
Meteorite Meteorite (biome) Meteorite Armor Meteorite Bar Meteorite Bathtub Meteorite Bed Meteorite Bookcase Meteorite Brick Meteorite Brick Wall Meteorite Candelabra Meteorite Candle Meteorite Chair Meteorite Chandelier Meteorite Chest Meteorite Clock Meteorite Door Meteorite Dresser Meteorite Lamp Meteorite Lantern...
spawning in hardmode jungle简单模式的丛林敌人现在有小概率在困难模式的丛林生成Moss hornets can now drop Bezoars苔藓毒蜂现在可掉落牛黄You can no longer duplicate items with the merchant你不再能通过商人复制物品Snow particles will no longer spawn on backwalls雪的粒子不再会生成在后墙上Fixed a bug that...
Like with Wyvern spawn heights, this can also be a double-edged sword as a higher number of meteorite blocks are required in the world to prevent more meteorites from spawning and potentially destroying landscapes or player built structures. Notes \{\{comma/item\!\l!--\n --\g\{\{#var:...
Black Recluses: The Spider Caves you've already found will now be spawning Black Recluses. Use some of your new weaponry to kill them for their fangs. You'll at least want enough for the Spider and Queen Spider staves. If you're a Summoner, you may want to craft the Spider armor. ...
Meteorite ore is provided by the "crash sites" which appear after breaking a Crimson Heart or Shadow Orb. If desired, timing the breaks can maximize the number of crashes. Albeit rarely, Meteorite can also be dropped by Meteor Head. If you leave behind (or stockpile) at least 50 Meteorit...
Obsidian is a unique pre-Hardmode ore which is created when Water and Lava collide, at which point it forms placed blocks of Obsidian which can be mined and collected. Though Obsidian is considered an ore and is gathered similarly, it has no bar form of