视觉优化mod:shadow and light high fps support 更酷的物品视觉效果内容向mod:灾厄,fargo,救赎,暗影奥秘 瑟银 珊瑚石 红云物语 旅人归途有意思但是较超模的内容mod或辅助mod/内容mod:星海苍穹,pea mod tiger's duplicator私货mod:东方小伙伴 来自Android客户端6楼2024-11-29 23:00 收起回复 ...
The Shadow Slime is a console exclusive Hardmode Slime enemy appearing in The Corruption. Like the Corrupt Slime it splits into three Slimelings upon death. Both its original form and the Slimelings can inflict the Darkness debuff.暗影史莱姆只在主机版的困难模式的腐蚀之地出现。 跟腐蚀史莱姆一样...
You can toggle between the four lighting modes: Color, White, Retro, and Trippy in the Options Menu or by pressing F7. 泰拉瑞亚现在有了平滑的彩色光照!你可以切换四个照明模式:彩色、白色、复古和梦幻,在选项菜单或者按下F7。 Made several lighting and display optimizations to increase game performanc...
WeMod 致力于服务全球数百万玩家,坚守安全和免费原则是我们对用户社区的承诺。我们不断发展壮大,离不开 WeMod Pro 会员的支持。我们在Trustpilot上的用户评价就是最有力的证明。 如何在 Terraria 中使用修改器? WeMod 会安全地扫描并显示你的 PC 上已安装的所有游戏。只需从列表中选择一款游戏并点击“开始游戏”,...
Triumph over a goblin invasion, the pointy-eared warriors and their shadowflame sorcerers. 1 guide You Can Do It! Survive your character's first full night. 1 guide Into Orbit Launch yourself into space. 2 guides Fashion Statement Equip armor or vanity clothing in all three social slots. ...
insert into itembans values("Shadow Chest","");insert into itembans values("Shadow Key","");insert into itembans values("Obsidian Brick Wall","");insert into itembans values("Jungle Spores","");insert into itembans values("Loom","");insert into itembans values("Piano","");insert ...
{| class="terraria sortable lined align-center" id="table-portable-light-source" ! {{tr|Item}} ! 何时发光 ! 防水 ! [[{{tr|Mechanism}}]] ! [[{{tr|House}}]] |- | {{item|Torch}} | 手持、掉落、放置 | {{no}} | {{yes}} | {{yes}} |- | {{item|Cursed Torch}} | 手持...
Shadow Scale5 Silk10 Obsidian20 Tissue Sample5 only:Honey Bed Honey Block15 Silk5 Honey Dispenser Honey Sofa Honey Block5 Silk2 Frozen Bed Ice Block15 Silk5 Ice Machine Frozen Sofa Ice Block5 Silk2 Throne Silk20 Gold Bar30 Iron AnvilorLead Anvil Silk20 Platinum Bar...
Fire Giant Harpy Ice ) Tattered Bee Wing Spooky Twig Souls Light Night Flight Sight Might Fright Blight Lunar Fragments Solar Vortex Nebula Stardust Expand Ores and Bars Expand Other...
恶魔(以及Old-gen consoleand上的大恶魔)是出现在地狱中的敌怪。它通过召唤四发旋转紫色光刃射弹朝着玩家加速前进来攻击,类似于它会掉落的恶魔锄刀所发射的法术。这些光刃有几率造成黑暗并且会被任意物块所阻挡,但不能用武器摧毁。 就像其他地狱敌怪,恶魔免疫熔岩。一种比较少见的恶魔变种是巫毒恶魔。