on My Player Pointers, when you select a new prefix for the item, the name changes but the stats remain the same [automerge]1590251017[/automerge] thank you so much bro, im really stupid when it comes to this tech things The game will not recognize the new prefix and stat changes unti...
This process includes putting down a valid doorless home near where they should go, using an item called "housed items" on them (Ex: wooden chair), right clicking with that same item again but facing their new location and then having at least one empty room close by (preferably two)....
Amount of Clicked Item # Time Is Daytime (set to 1 for Daytime) Time of Day Value Notes Unlimited Oxygen: Toggle on for effect.Game files - Terraria♦ Terraria: SaveGame (Character with all items) [] (2024-Oct-21) ♦ Terraria: SaveGame (Strong pe...
To wield multiple yoyos at once in Terraria, you're gonna need the Yoyo Bag accessory. This magical item combines the effects of a Yoyo Glove, a Counterweight, and one of the String accessories. When you have it equipped, hitting an enemy with a yoyo will unleash a second yoyo and a ...