The Trinkets: Head: Boots: Hand: Body: 1st Charm: 2nd Charm: How to Use the Trinket? After you obtained it: 1.ReadtheInformations, there areMode & Type • Mode= There are2 Modes[On&Off] Interact the trinket to switch the mode ...
- The Extractinator can now be used to turn fishing trash into low level bait- When getting a hole in one in golf, it now says so instead of saying 1 stroke- Slime Rain can now only begin from 6 AM to Noon, but the odds of it happening are now 4x as high. This will result ...
修复了 an issue where Smart Select did not suggest Desert Fossil for Extractinator. 修复了 an issue where Smart Select would favor a Flare Gun with no flares over a stack of Glowsticks. 修复了 an issue where climbing on rope at the edge of the world would cause the camera to move away...
reduced how much memory the map requires on large worlds稍微降低了在大世界需要的记忆量You can no longer use actuators to deactivate temple blocks before killing Plantera你不再能在击杀世纪之花前用驱动器来虚化神庙块The flare gun will no longer light up when you are out of torches你用光火把时...
The map can be toggled using tab, m, or through the map icons 地图可以用tab键、m键或者通过地图相关图标来切换 “M” has been remapped for the map feature “M”重新为地图特性标记 “J” is now the default button for mana use “J”现在是魔法使用的默认键位 ...
(Purple) Silly Tied Balloons Silly Tied Bundle of Balloons Silt Silt Ball Silt Block Silt Extractinator Silver Silver Armor Silver Armour Silver Axe Silver Axe/it Silver Axe/nl Silver Bar Silver Bow Silver Brick Silver Brick Wall Silver Broadsword Silver Bullet Silver Bullets Silver Chainmail ...
These items have no coin value, they can however be put through an extractinator to receive either fishing worms/apprentice fishing bait. They can each be stacked up to 99 in a single inventory slot. The player will only "catch" these if a lake is too small or if their Fishing Power ...
提炼机或泥沙提炼机[1]是一种将泥沙块,雪泥块与沙漠化石转换为更有价值的物品(例如矿石,钱币,和宝石)的物品。它可以作为金箱、冰冻箱、木匣或其它地下的箱子中的稀有物品开出。下沙中的地下小屋里也有几率生成一台提炼机。 为了使用提炼机,首先需要将它放置在世界中。
探索 当前 Advertisement 登录 注册 Terraria Wiki 3,763 个页面 探索 首页 所有页面 交互式地图 基础 物品 武器 工具 盔甲 配饰 药水 矿石 家具 物块 背景墙 时装物品 角色 NPC 敌怪 Boss 小动物 宠物 仆从 生物群落 事件 游戏玩法 困难模式 经典模式 ...
Adamantite Ore is one of the two top-tier ores that can spawn from every third destroyed Altar in Hardmode (the other possible ore being Titanium). In worlds where it spawns, it is the rarest and most valuable of the three Altar-spawned ores. A Mythril/O