NPC Function Spawn Requirements Traveling Merchant Sells random items Random chance to spawn during the day and leaves at night Old Man Summons the Skeletron boss Found at the entrance of the Dungeon Skeleton Merchant Sells various items like the Magic Lantern, Spelunker, and Yoyo Glove Chance to...
Decrease spawn rate of aggressive monsters.-5% per level, up to -25% chance of spawning non-critter monsters.; Passive; None降低刷怪率。每级-5%(最高-25%的非生物怪) (ps:意思可能是不会减少兔子什么的。);被动;无要求Fishing Rod Expertise (钓鱼大师)Increases Fishing Power "Causes 1 of ...
- Most critters which spawn from tiles or trees now have a brief delay before they can be killed (the same as how Worms from tiles are protected)- When hitting trees, the tree will now always show a visual puff of leaves, even if nothing is dropped, to indicate that a successful tree...
- SpawnNPC: [NPC IDs] - Open Treasure Bag: [Treasure Bag IDs] - Stack - Ghost Mode - Redigit’s Abilities - LastDeathPosition (Teleport to the last position of your death.) - Auto Jump - KillMe: [Commit Suicide] - Multi OHK -> [Multiplayer O-HK] - gainMax HP -...
Oh, the 'give' command in Terraria is a mythical beast because, well, it doesn't exist in vanilla Terraria! If you're looking to spawn items directly into your game, you'll need to use mods like TShock for servers or Terraria Inventory Editor for single-
Learn how to stop enemies from spawning in Terraria so that you can get on with your building and exploring. The Wall of No-Spawn One of the most reliable ways to keep enemies from attacking is to build a barrier they can’t cross. A wall, a stone wall, or a row of wooden planks...
Spawn 2 contains ammo. All spawns contain a nurse for healing and money in chests to use in order to be healed.Rules: 1.) You must start as a new character and bin all starting items , then pick 1 class, the items for each class are in chests which correspond with the signpost by...
Basics Advanced Terraria Links Wiki Community Others Like You Viewed Accessories Potions Night's Edge Zenith Terra Blade Top Pages this Week Bosses 1 Wings 2 Shimmer 3 Armor 4 NPCs 5 Defense Difficulty Fishing Golf Rarity Spawn/Death Status messages ...
Learn how to start editing. Things to do Find out how you can contribute to the wiki. Community noticeboard Discuss important wiki topics. Projects Participate in a specific Terraria Wiki project. Guides Read, write, or request guides or articles. ...
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