(When speaking to a vendor, you can sell items in your inventory by pressing Ⓨ. ) 你可以按Ⓨ将不想要的物品丢弃。(You can press Ⓨ to send unwanted items to the Trash. ) 开着宝箱时,用补货可以自动补充物品栏中携带着的弹药、药水、和所有其他可堆叠物品。 (With a chest open, use ...
Unknown how this translates to %. Passive None提高钓鱼力量。每级+1,最高+10(作者说,不知道怎么翻译成百分数);被动;无需求Bait Sale (卖鱼饵)The Merchant will sell bait.1 level only. More bait becomes available after completing 20 Angler quests. Passive Fishing Rod at Level 5商人开始卖鱼饵了。
* Phoenix Blaster has had a reduction of stats to balance better with other items of its tier. *凤凰冲击波现在的属性被削弱来与同等级的物品更好平衡。 * Gem, Mushroom and Bottle sell values have been reduced. *宝石、蘑菇和瓶子的卖出价格下降。 * Hell Forges above the rock layer can be mo...
The Merchant is an NPC vendor that will spawn once the following conditions have been met: There is an empty House. All players in the game world have more than 50 between them in their inventories. He will also spawn as the starter NPC instead of the Gu
Included withFargo’s Mutant modare new town NPCs that will sell items tied toward progression, including common crafting materials like wood as well as boss-summoning trinkets. We’re willing to admit it’s basically just cheating, there’s still a cost for anything you buy, and you’ll al...
How to get them: Kill either Eater of Worlds or Brain of Cthulhu. Must then be found and talked to. What they do: Sell items relating to the Old One’s Army event. Name: Arms Dealer How to get them: One player must have a bullet or a gun that shoots bullets. What they do: ...
Be sure to check out ourTerraria NPCsguide to find out more. We even have an in-depth happiness chart, which will help you get all the characters to move in and live happily in your little world. What items does the Dryad sell?
The majority of NPCs will sell various sorts of fishing gear and bait. Players should be aware that not all NPCs will provide this service; they must seek out certain merchants that specialize in selling these items.Finally, players can get rarer, more powerful baits as prizes for completing ...
(Info accessories don't need to be equipped to provide you and nearby friends with useful information; you can just leave them in your inventory.) 与商贩说话时,你可以通过按Ⓨ将物品栏中的物品卖掉。 (When speaking to a vendor, you can sell items in your Inventory by pressing Ⓨ.) 你...
Standing near an NPC and pressing ⚷ Interact will open a dialogue window with one or more options for the player to select. Most NPCs are vendors, displaying a shop inventory when the "Shop" option is selected. They sell items to players in exchange for coins, and can be sold items...