(Sand can be crafted into glass, which is used to make bottles and many other useful items.) 一些矿石需要用更好的镐来采挖。 (Some ores require better pickaxes to mine.) 一些墙和平台可以拆解为其组成原料。 (Some walls and platforms can be deconstructed into their component materials.) 游戏...
First thing’s first, you gotta mine for ores. Look for places underground, cuz that’s where the good stuff like Copper, Iron, Silver, or Gold is hiding. Once you’ve got enough ore, head back to the surface and stand next to a Furnace. If you don’t have a Furnace yet, you’...
When the player enters their inventory, the player will be told how to switch between menus and how to craft. The player can leave the inventory after crafting three torches. After exiting the inventory, the game directs the player to a vein of ore, which the player is told to mine. Th...
The magical world of Terraria is full of areas and locations to discover, but it’s dangerous to go without some help. While friends can protect you in the game, there are times when you have to go alone. Therefore, you should craft some potions before going. In Terraria, potions have ...
* Dungeon Blocks now require at least a Nightmare Pick to mine, unless they are near the spawn location, where they can be mined by any pick. *地牢砖块现在至少需要噩梦镐来挖掘,除非它们在出生点附近,在那里可被任何镐子开采。 * Phoenix Blaster has had a reduction of stats to balance better...
Stars can now be crafted with bottles to make a new light source 星星现在可以和空瓶结合来制造新的光源 Floating island chests no longer require a key 浮空岛箱子不再需要钥匙 Gems and bars can be placed 宝石和矿物锭可放置 Items made from hellstone now require less hellstone ...
漏洞修复和变更:Dungeon guardian now does 1000 damage地牢守卫者现在会造成1000点伤害Chlorophyte Drill and Pickaxe can now mine Chlorophyte叶绿钻头和叶绿镐现在可以开采叶绿矿The Rod of Discord now properly drops混沌法杖现在正确掉落了The Uzi now has the correct drop rate乌兹冲锋枪现在有正确的掉落概率了Ea...
I get about 50/50 Obsidifish and Hellstone Create. There could be more oddity with other biomes, I have only tested a hand full. Code: Select all 10951 "Always Fish Crates (Almost)" Auto Assembler Script { Game : Terraria.exe Version: Date : 2020-05-21 Author : OliSt This script ...
If you get lost or need to find another player, open the World Map. Not sure what to do next? Take a look at the Achievement Guide for a clue! With the Block Swap mechanic enabled, you can replace one block with another directly, rather than having to mine it first. Press the + ...
Hellstone HardmodeOres Cobalt Palladium Mythril Orichalcum Adamantite Titanium Chlorophyte Luminite Bars Copper Tin Iron Lead Silver Tungsten Gold Platinum Demonite Crimtane