Terraria players can consume an Obsidian Skin Potion to gain fire resistance. Doing so grants them the Obsidian Skin buff. When active, the buff provides immunity to the following statuses: Hellstone Lava On Fire! Debuff Meteorite You may cancel the potion’s effects early, and the duration als...
(Don't fall into lava without an Obsidian Skin Potion!) 无法用普通的锤摧毁恶魔祭坛。必须攻破它们。(You can't destroy a demon altar with a normal hammer. You have to pwn them.) 最好的巫师用魔力花。(The best wizard people use Mana Flowers.) NPC 确保你有空的有效房间来吸引新居民。(Make...
The Fish Finder later combines with other items to make a Cell Phone. A quest fish cannot be fished or picked up when the player already has one in inventory, but it is easy enough to stash the fish in a Chest, Piggy Bank, or even the trash slot (though you can easily lose the fi...
Actuators can be used to make any solid tile active and inactive 驱动器可让任何固体块处于激活和不激活状态 There is 1 new liquid type that can be found in the Jungle 有1种新的液体类型可在丛林找到 There are several new fountains that will change the color of water when they are place near...
* New Item : Obsidian Skin Potion *新物品:黑曜石皮肤药剂 * New Item : Regeneration Potion *新物品:再生药剂 * New Item : Swiftness Potion *新物品:迅捷药剂 * New Item : Gills Potion *新物品:鱼鳃药剂 * New Item : Defense Potion *新物品:防御药剂 * New Item : Mana Regeneration Potion ...
* New Item : Obsidian Skin Potion *新物品:黑曜石皮肤药剂 * New Item : Regeneration Potion *新物品:再生药剂 * New Item : Swiftness Potion *新物品:迅捷药剂 * New Item : Gills Potion *新物品:鱼鳃药剂 * New Item : Defense Potion *新物品:防御药剂 * New Item : Mana Regeneration Potion ...
Added Force Effects: noFallDmg/Spelunker Potion/Force Obsidian Skin/Force Obsidian Skull/Hunter Potion/Force Shadow Dodge/Sonar Potion Last edited by okami_x on Thu Jan 01, 1970 12:00 am, edited 1 time in total. Top okami_x Table Makers Posts: 95 Joined: Fri May 25, 2018 12:38 ...
Obsidian Skin Potion Shine Potion Spelunker Potion Water Walking Potion Teleportation Potion Recall Potion Wormhole Potion Calming Potion Light Pets Magic Lantern Suspicious Looking Eye Template:Item/options Collapse V • D • E • P Guides Basics Getting started Practical ...
Don't fall into lava without drinking an Obsidian Skin Potion first! You won't take falling damage if you have a Lucky Horseshoe. Look for them in chests underground. Walking on Hellstone and Meteorite can burn you! Protect yourself by equipping an Obsidian Skull or similar accessory. Life ...
Selling off surplus ores/bars can make some money, especially the evil ores from summonable bosses (after you've made the items you want, of course). With your evil pickaxe and some buckets, you can also convert lava to obsidian, and mine that for Obsidian Skulls to sell. Fishing quests...