Before you can fight the enemies of the Pumpkin Moon you need to start it. Theeventis triggered by using theitemthe Pumpkin Moon Medallion. This is an item which can be crafted after the Hardmode Jungle bossPlanterais defeated. The Pumpkin Moon Medallion requires three items; 30 Pumpkins, 5...
all of the spooky happenings that come along with Halloween. Speaking of which, if you have any amazing Terraria-themed pumpkins, costumes, or anything similar that you put together for Halloween this year, we would love to see them - and maybe feature them in the community section next ...
Pumpkins will naturally grow around the world. Outside of the Halloween season, they would not be available until the Dryad appears. Pumpkins can be used to make Pumpkin armor, which is as good as Tin armor, plus the set bonus boosts all damage by 10%. They can also be used for Pumpki...
Pumpkinx30 - buy Pumpkin seeds from the Dryad. Fully grown Pumpkins may yield 10+, so you do not need hundreds of Pumpkins. Plant them on normal grass. Ectoplasmx5 - dropped by high-health enemies in the Dungeon after the defeat of Plantera. Hallowed Barx10 - dropped by the threeMechanica...
Pumpkins can be grown by planting Pumpkin Seeds sold by the Dryad. Note that they can only be grown on regular and hallowed Grass. Fallen Stars fall from the sky every night, and can be easily collected with a skybridge. Coral spawns spontaneously on submerged sand blocks in the ocean biome...
Fixed Phantasm arrows exploit allowing you to get more arrows than you use 修复了幻象箭允许你获得比你使用的箭更多的漏洞 Fixed Horseman's blade not summoning pumpkins against Lunar invasion enemies 修复了无头骑士之刃对抗月球入侵敌人不生成南瓜的问题 Fixed dupe bug with Item Frames 修复了利用物品展示...
all of the spooky happenings that come along with Halloween. Speaking of which, if you have any amazing Terraria-themed pumpkins, costumes, or anything similar that you put together for Halloween this year, we would love to see them - and maybe feature them in the community section next ...
Fixed an issue where Smart Cursor would sometimes target solid blocks when trying to place Herb Seeds Fixed a similar issue where Smart Cursor would try to plant Pumpkins in non-valid locations Fixed a long running inconsistency where Tall Grass couldn't grow in front of most fences Fixed Mushr...
Fixed lag spikes caused by the growth of Pumpkins Fixed Player 2+ in split screen not being able to see the Traveling Merchant's wares Fixed Thunderstorms in splitscreen causing blocks to become invisible Fixed time being frozen in non-journey worlds when joining a MP session from the tutorial...