When Hardcore is active, there is a 50 percent chance when catching a jellyfish in these areas that it will be blue or green. Pink jellyfish can be caught in ocean biomes. All three have a bait power of 20 percent. The chance to catch a jellyfish bait item is 1 in 500 with 50 ...
Terraria fishing guide: quest rewards and fish locations How to catch fish July 15, 2020 Dave Irwin Guide Best wings in Terraria How to make wings July 13, 2020 Dave Irwin Guide Terraria bosses: how to summon and defeat them How to unlock Hardmode July 10, 2020 Dave Irwin...
The world is filled to the brim with the most outlandish kinds of fish! — The Angler Fishing in action. Fishing is accomplished by using a Fishing Pole at a body of liquid (water, honey, or lava) while having bait in the player's inventory. While near the body of liquid, pressing ...
The optimum sort of bait appears to vary on the fish you're attempting to catch, so testing may be required. Furthermore, there are various methods for obtaining bait in Terraria, including making or purchasing it from NPCs. ← How Many Bosses Are in Terraria How to Get Wings in ...
The Angler is an NPC concerned exclusively with catching fish, who appears as a young child. He does not sell anything, but rather assigns quests to players. Quest objectives generally involve catching him rare fish from particular biomes or layers, for
Spectral fish are a bit easier to catch. 幽魂鱼稍微容易抓上来了。(译者按:这个幽魂鱼也许是现在的镜面鱼,或者是渔夫任务的幻影鱼?) Bait now lasts a bit longer. 鱼饵现在持续稍微长一点时间。 The Snowball Launcher and Snowball Cannon now have more damage and knockback. 雪球发射器和雪球大炮现在有更...
修复了 an exploit where players could put large gems in the trash to avoid losing them on death 修复了 an issue where placing a Music Box or Fish Bowl would temporarily disable some inventory functionality as a side effect of them also being equipment Fixing an issue where Info Accessory icon...
探索 当前 Terraria Wiki Switch版 1.0.711.6: 引入。 Mobile version 移动版 1.2.11212: 引入。 Nintendoversion 3DS正式版: 引入。 参考 ↑1.01.1Information taken from the Desktop1.4.0.5source code,Terraria.NPC.cs中的AI_007_TownEntities()函数 There may be inaccuracies, as the current ...
V • D • E 角色(列表): 困难模式之前的敌怪 困难模式的敌怪 事件敌怪 Boss 小动物 友方 NPC 亲随 zh:向导th:Guide/thnl:Guide/nlit:Guide/itcs:Guide/cs 社区内容除另有注明外,均在CC BY-NC-SA许可协议下提供。
Terraria Noobie Mishaps Part 7: Do Not Fish on the Blood Moon!Wasn't The Guide's fault this time. 来自Android客户端9楼2021-10-01 14:12 收起回复 云坃家 鲜血之墙 12 Terraria Noobie Mishaps Part 8: Do Not Step on the Button!Eager to find the glorious mushroom biome, Bucket has clums...