It may be a little time consuming, but with the use of a handy hammer, you can destroy any wall that stands in the way of your ideal design. Start from the edge at the top and work down, as it won’t let you smash a hole through a wall from the center. Here are some of the...
You can now craft Jester Arrows你现在可以制造小丑之箭There are 12 new wing types有了12种新的翅膀类型There are several new vanity sets有了几个新的时装套装There are a lot of new rare drops added to enemies给敌人添加了很多新的稀有掉落物You can now craft stained glass你现在可以制造染色玻璃There...
Placing an item here will destroy it. However the item will be saved in memory until another item is destroyed, allowing you to retrieve it if you wish. Holding Shift and Clicking and Item will move it to your trashcan. 物品栏现在有了垃圾桶栏。把物品放在这里会摧毁它。然而这个物品会保存,...
There are two ways for you to summon the Moon Lord. The first method is to destroy all four of the Celestial Pillars that appear in the Lunar Event, which starts after you defeat the Lunatic Cultist. They appear in four different locations all over the map. The second method is by craft...
Equipping items to the social slot in German no longer crashes the game 在德语条件下,把物品装备到时装栏不会再让游戏崩溃 The game will no longer create a random password during multiplayer world generation 游戏在多人模式世界生成期间不再会创建随机密码 ...
After you’ve defeated the Wall of Flesh and started Hardmode, you’ll want to start smashing altars. Pre-Hardmode, you can find Demon Altars and Crimson Altars around The Corruption and The Crimson, which you can use to craft certain items. Once in Hardmode, you can destroy these altars...
Destroying the lower one in Hardmode will destroy both, with the full effects of destroying two regular altars. In some rare cases an altar can spawn on top of a Life Crystal. Both lower quarters of the heart can be collected as two separate items, but the top half stays unbroken under...
Sandstone Wall Sandstein-Wand Crate Kiste Backspace Rücktaste Survive your character's first full night. Überlebe die erste ganze Nacht deines Charakters. Tunnels carved throughout frigid ice result in slippery pitfalls and freezing pools - all patrolled by the sub-zero denizens of the deep....
Advanced Terraria Links Wiki Community Others Like You Viewed Night's Edge Blade of Grass Eye of Cthulhu Wall of Flesh Pickaxes Top Pages this Week Bosses 1 Wings 2 Shimmer 3 Armor 4 NPCs 5 Mobile version Mobile 1.2.12773: Fixed a bug where Demon Altars would generate in theDungeon. ...
For the goblins barricade the houses in order to protect the NPCs from incoming goblin attacks, make a volcano trap to easily slaughter the goblins and use a close melee weapon to destroy the magic balls casted by the Goblin Sorcerers (they can go through blocks). For the Eye of Cthulhu ...