The larger progression revolves around clearing Corruption from the land. This is done by crafting and activating Purifying Towers, which use the power of crystals to push back the Corruption and cleanse the surrounding land. Doing so draws the ire of monsters, however, which means the towers mu...
Hardmode bosses have a chance to spawn on their own to help players progress through the game 困难模式boss有一定概率自己生成以帮助玩家推进游戏进程 Current hardmode bosses now do slightly less damage and have had their health decreased 目前的困难模式boss现在造成稍微少点的伤害,降低了生命值 There i...
血腥之地和神圣之地现在会互相抵消(译者按:原文应该是“Hallow”,这里写错成了“Hollow”,成了“空心,空洞”) Reduces the chance for a mechanical boss summon to drop during hardmode 降低了困难模式掉落一个机械boss召唤物的概率 Hardmode Dungeon Keys must now be crafted from rare drops 困难模式的地牢钥...
11 new bosses, and much more. It also contains three new classes, thrower, bard, and healer. Bard is one of the best classes you can find. Each weapon that is designed for Bard is very impressive. What's more, it has a wide range of stunning places and things to be explored by th...
* Mining stone and other hard ores make a 'tink' noise now. *现在挖掘石头以及其他坚硬的矿物会发出“叮”的声音。 * Hellstone and Obsidian now require at least a Demonite pick to gather. *狱岩石和黑曜石现在至少需要魔金镐来收集。
which can greatly shake up the standardized progression for players from start to finish. There are now a heft of ways that mage-based players will aim to progress their builds in Terraria Calamity — this guide will walk you through our preferred items from pre-Hardmode to pre-Moon Lord. ...
Hardmode, as its name suggests, is essentially a more difficult version of the initial world. A world permanently converts to Hardmode after the Wall of Flesh boss is defeated for the first time. Hardmode grants players new challenges and gives them much
There are currently 8 pre-Hardmode, 11 Hardmode, and 14 event bosses (33 in total) in Terraria. Each boss presents a unique challenge and defeating them is usually instrumental in advancing the game in some way. For instance, they often grant the player new materials for crafting higher ti...
If a Goblin Army invades shortly before summoning theWall of Fleshand is not dealt with, it will immediately transfer to itsHardmodeversion after the boss is defeated. Once the initial status message pops up, there is no way to prevent the goblins from invading, as leaving the world and co...
Game progression Progression graph) Mining techniques Invasion events Setups Class setups ( Weapon playthroughs Armor progression) Inventory management Farming Money Enemies Biome Keys or Key Molds Resources Crafting Crafting 101 (Quick reference) Nigh...