Sunflowers can now be placed in front of walls 修复了 an issue where Gravestones and Jungle Plants would not break when the block beneath them was actuated 修复了 a method of duplicating armors off of Mannequins 修复了 an issue where torches placed on blocks directly above a door would “wobb...
Fixed training dummies potentially getting permanent invisible corruption 修复了练习假人潜在地变为永久的不可见的破坏(译者注:如果光看corruption,不联系背景,很容易以为是双关:一是腐化之地是corruption,二是游戏损坏也可以用corruption。但是在这里,应该是练习假人变得永久不可见,想去破坏都没办法) Fixed mouse clicks...
更难的怪物会生成,腐化之地的扩散概率大大增加。 Defeating the hell boss will allow the Corruption to spread underground, over sand, stone, and Sunflowers, and through Jungles, destroying them if you let it! 击败地狱的boss会允许腐化之地在地下扩散,通过沙子、石头,甚至可以摧毁向日葵,穿过丛林,如果你...
困难模式boss有一定概率自己生成以帮助玩家推进游戏进程 Current hardmode bosses now do slightly less damage and have had their health decreased 目前的困难模式boss现在造成稍微少点的伤害,降低了生命值 There is a rare spawn mini boss that can be found during blizzards in the above ground ice biome 有...
中文泰拉瑞亚Wiki的译名标准化工作主要通过自动翻译模板Tc来完成。在此模板背后,我们维护着一个超过6000词条的标准译名数据库。 使用此模板可以完成各种名词的自动标准翻译输出,尽可能避免各种名词翻译不一致的问题,也便于统一修订调整译名。 通过将Tc嵌入其他一些常用模板(如Item link)的方法,使得相当一部分内容无需额外...
系现在都有了箱子和罐子,贴图是独一无二的The dungeon now has 3 unique textures/colors and furniture地牢现在有3种独特的图像/颜色和家具Hell houses have been remodeled重新建模了地狱房子Floating islands have been remodeled重新建模了浮空岛Each biome will now have unique textures and wood types:Corruption...
Maintain world purity: At this point, the evil biome will spread thrice as fast even over grass, and will also corrupt Stone blocks and Sand, so Sunflowers can no longer stop it from spreading. Additionally, the Hallow starts to spread over the world.The...
系现在都有了箱子和罐子,贴图是独一无二的The dungeon now has 3 unique textures/colors and furniture地牢现在有3种独特的图像/颜色和家具Hell houses have been remodeled重新建模了地狱房子Floating islands have been remodeled重新建模了浮空岛Each biome will now have unique textures and wood types:Corruption...