Dungeon Heist Use a key to unlock a Gold Chest inside the Dungeon. It's Getting Hot in Here Reach the Underworld. Miner for Fire Craft a Molten Pickaxe using 20 Hellstone Bars. Still Hungry Defeat the Wall of Flesh. It's Hard! Enter Hardmode (which activates after defeating the Wall of...
The Destroyer Lunatic Cultist Moon Lord Golem Empress of Light The Twins Skeletron Prime Queen Slime Plantera Duke Fishron Event bossesEvent bosses differ from other bosses as they appear during certain waves with other enemies. Although not as challenging as the main bosses, defeating them requires...
The Twins The Destroyer ( Probe ) Skeletron Prime Plantera Golem Empress of Light Duke Fishron ( Sharkron Detonating Bubble ) Lunatic Cultist ( Ancient Vision Phantasm Dragon ) Moon Lord ...
Once you start defeating the first bosses new options become available. In addition, you should have enough mana to use magic weapons. However, the armors still only give small bonuses, so you can still safely mix class styles without a significant loss of damage. Dedicated summoners are still...
Skeletron, Eater of Worlds, Brain of Cthulhu, Queen Bee, Wall of Flesh, Pirate Captain,Skeletron Prime, The Destroyer, The Twins(Spazmatism only), Queen Slime, Plantera, Duke Fishron, Empress of Light, Golem, Cultist, Lunatic Cultist(arch-nemesis), The Four Lunar Pillars, Moon Lord(arch-...
↑Information taken from the Desktop1.4.0.5source code,Terraria.NPC.cs中的AI()方法,在aiStyle == 79下 There may be inaccuracies, as the current Desktop version is ↑An update on things.2014 年 6 月 30 日 ↑I am Redigit - Creator of Terraria. Ask Me Anything!2013 年 9 月 ...
For elaborate strategies on defeating Empress of Light, including weapon and arena recommendations, see Guide:Empress of Light strategies. 光之女皇是个神圣主题的 Boss,有 70,000 / 98,000 / 124,950 生命值。可以通过击杀七彩草蛉来召唤她,并且她是游戏中出现的两个神圣 Boss之一。此 Boss 原本应当是...
Betsy appears during the final stage of the Old One’s Army event during a tier 3 event. To start the Old One’s Army event, you must place an Eternia Crystal on the Eternia Crystal Stand. You can buy an Eternia Crystal from the Tavernkeep for 25 silver coins before defeating the Mech...
For elaborate strategies on defeating Empress of Light, including weapon and arena recommendations, see Guide:Empress of Light strategies. 光之女皇是个神圣主题的 Boss,有 70,000 / 98,000 / 124,950 生命值。可以通过击杀七彩草蛉来召唤她,并且她是游戏中出现的两个神圣 Boss之一。此 Boss 原本应当是...
Fae Flayer•「Defeat the Empress of Light, responsible for all those flashy lights and glitter.」 Defeat theEmpress of Lightfor the first time. 小貼士 For more elaborate strategies on defeating 光之女皇, includingweaponandarenarecommendations, seeGuide:光之女皇 strategies. 為避免意外誤殺七彩草蛉召...