Mediumcore - Drop all items on death, keep max hp and mana values. Hardcore - Drops all Items and deletes your character on death, requiring you to start a new character. On death you will become a ghost that can not interact with the world until you log out. 现在在角色创建时有了3...
Disappears from the inventory as soon as you load into a World if spawned into the inventory via an inventory editor. Its associated shader, ColorOnly, is used internally to draw player outlines on the minimap. Its sprite is a copy of the Unicorn Wisp Dye.Notes[]All...
Also, both games are on sale for the next several days here on Steam in celebration of this event! Pick up a copy for yourself or a friend via the links to our store pages below! TERRARIA CROSSOVER UPDATE HIGHLIGHTS THE CONSTANT - A DON'T STARVE INSPIRED WORLD SEED ...