"CommandSpecifier": "/", //指令前缀(一个字符不能为中文)(如果设为* 那么打指令是这样的 * give)"CommandSilentSpecifier": ".", //指令静音处理前缀(没有任何动静处理命令,恶搞必备)"DisableSpewLogs": true, //是否阻止日志记录发送给有日志权限的玩家"DisableSecondUpdateLogs": false, //防止 On...
2.AutoBroadcast自动广播用于定时发布信息(如服务器规则,但是插件未汉化,可能会乱码),也可以用于定时使用指令比如定时使用“/clear item"来清理地面物品,防止物品长时间堆积导致卡服多个指令和信息同时在一起发布的例子,注意格式 24楼2016-05-10 16:00 回复 阿...
Oh, the 'give' command in Terraria is a mythical beast because, well, it doesn't exist in vanilla Terraria! If you're looking to spawn items directly into your game, you'll need to use mods like TShock for servers or Terraria Inventory Editor for single-
Chippy vs Red for the CEO crown, even what has come to be known as "debug command battles" commenced over the course of the adventure. These are always not only a lot of fun, but also beyond useful in assisting with bug fixing and balance. We can't wait to see what you make of ...
* Added -join <ip>, -port <port>, and -pass <password> command line parameters to the client to enable auto-join of servers. *添加了-join <ip>,-port <port>,和-pass <password>对客户端的命令行参数来允许服务器的自动加入。 Misc.其他(杂项) * The game window is now re-sizable while...
test - A test command save - Saves zidomod settings wipe - Clears zidomod settings Chat Commands bind - Bind a key to a command, place '-' infront of Zido commands -bind [key] [commands split by '&'] unbind - Unbinds a key -unbind [key] binds - Lists all currently loaded binds...
Whether it’s a multiplayer game or a podcast project, the Mumble voice chat software is becoming increasingly popular. The open-source solution has an appealingly simple structure without scrimping on functions. Another advantage is that anyone can create their own Mumble server.… ...
This release fixes GHSA-hvm9-wc8j-mgrc (reported by: @sgkoishi, found by: @THEXN). This also releases the following changes: Notable changes Updated TSPlayer.GodMode. (@AgaSpace) Previously the field was used as some kind of dataset changed by /godmode command, but now it is a prop...
The Angler now has a chance to give an extra furniture loot drop – odds of this will increase as you complete more quests for them. /Death command shows your number of total deaths in a world. The Rifle Scope now increases the range of the Clentaminator. The Drill Containment Unit ...
* Added -join <ip>, -port <port>, and -pass <password> command line parameters to the client to enable auto-join of servers. *添加了-join <ip>,-port <port>,和-pass <password>对客户端的命令行参数来允许服务器的自动加入。 Misc. 其他(杂项) * The game window is now re-sizable while...