云瓶(Cloud in a Bottle)加整人坐垫(Whoopie Cushion)可以合成屁瓶(Fart in a Jar)。装备瓶子类饰品(包括:云瓶 、暴雪之瓶 Blizzard in a Bottle、沙暴之瓶 Sandstorm in a Bottle、屁瓶)后,角色可以获得二段跳的能力。角色每多装备1个提供二段跳能力的饰品就可以多1段跳。闪亮红气球(Shiny Red Balloon)...
You can now tinker a whoopee cushion with a cloud in a bottle 你现在可以结合一个放屁垫和一个瓶中云 Bug Fixes and Changes: 漏洞修复和变更: Dungeon guardian now does 1000 damage 地牢守卫者现在会造成1000点伤害 Chlorophyte Drill and Pickaxe can now mine Chlorophyte 叶绿钻头和叶绿镐现在可以开采叶...
云朵瓶是一种配饰,可以从地下和洞穴的金箱中找到。装备它将允许玩家进行二连跳。第二次跳跃将比第一次短,但它仍然能增加玩家所能达到的最大高度,并且可以用来避免掉落伤害。 第二次跳跃同样受其他配饰效果的影响。当装备闪亮红气球时,第二次跳跃的高度也会有些许增加,但不会有第一次跳跃增加得那么多。由脚蹼带...
修复了 an issue where Neptune Shell wearing players could stick their head in water and die, because head-submersion wasn’t enough to turn you into a merman, but it was enough to drown. 修复了 an inconsistency with how Cloud in a Bottle behaved differently with wings than other Jump Bott...
(Seeds can be used to grow a variety of useful ingredients for crafting potions.) 要制作药水,将一个玻璃瓶放在桌子上来制成炼药站,或者在地牢中找一张炼药桌。不惮辛劳不惮烦!(To craft potions, place a bottle on a table to make an alchemy station, or find an Alchemy Table in the Dungeon...
* Upon death, A more specific death message will appear for other players, so they know how you died. *死亡后,一条更具体的死亡讯息会给其他玩家展示,以让他们知道你怎么死的。 * The crafting and armor interface text will fade out when an item tooltip is in front of it. *制造和盔甲界面文...
azure的屏障 einfors的奢华洗发 einfors的卷缠斗 oki的翅 ed的翅 afeman的毛毯斗 kiphs的爪 ill的翅 oraiz0r的怒 oraiz0r的魔 展开 战斗配饰 展开 时装 展开 时装配饰 展开 zh:云朵瓶nl:Cloud in a Bottle/nl...
Redigit confirmed that it was originally intended to function as the double jump item, however it was later replaced with the Cloud in a Bottle further in the game's development.[2] The Angel Statue is listed to have five separate item IDs, but all five different statues will stack upon ...
Cloud is a type of block found beneath Floating Islands, along with Rain Cloud blocks. Cloud blocks display as solid blocks, but light passes through them as if they were empty space. On the PC version, Console version, Mobile version, and tModLoader
You can find one in the Dungeon. Grappling Hooks are invaluable tools for exploration. Try crafting them with Hooks or gems. The best wizards around use Mana Flowers. Use "suspicious looking items" at your own risk! Seeds can be used to grow a variety of useful ingredients for crafting ...