首次击败月亮领主或至尊灾厄后,NPC们会增加 20 防御和 60% 伤害。 首次击败亵渎天神、噬魂幽花、神明吞噬者或丛林龙,犽戎后,NPC们会增加 12 防御和 20% 伤害。 被杀死时,渔夫有8.3%几率在困难模式下掉落金钓竿。 如果喂给捣鱼,此几率升至100%。
为什么没有Calamity music没有bgm的灾厄是没有灵魂的 来自Android客户端3楼2022-02-14 22:01 收起回复 Ymang 残暴蜂母 11 luiafk无限药水会不会过于bug点 影响蛮大的? 4楼2022-02-14 22:18 收起回复 TZHD 小吧主 11 听说后缀是lite的辅助mod是平衡精简过的 应该能用 来自Android客户端5楼2022-02...
There are many bosses to take down in Terraria already, and even more if you’ve already gone ahead and installed Calamity or Thorium. To make sense of the game’s extensive roster of baddies, consider using theBoss Checklistmod to keep track of which ones you’ve previously defeated. ...
Downloading and installing the Terraria Calamity Mod breathes new life into the base game. Enjoy over 150 extra items and other new content!
Calamity (TML) Download from: Terraria Community Forum Like Tremor and Thorium, Calamity adds a ridiculous amount of new stuff by way of both standard and unique weapons (melee, ranged and magic), armour loadouts, items, and accessories. The mod also flaunts five new types of mineable ores...
Like Tremor and Thorium,Calamityadds a ridiculous amount of new stuff by way of both standard and unique weapons (melee, ranged and magic), armour loadouts, items, and accessories. The mod also flaunts five new types of mineable ores and tiles, not to mention ten new bosses each with it...
2.4万播放 [灾厄音乐]Calamita's Shadow 'Raw,Unfiltered Calamity'(K-Side) 8513播放 “神,不惧死亡!”【泰拉瑞亚/灾厄/BOSS全员/手书】踊 37.0万播放 【泰拉瑞亚】原版全流程BOSS顺序表 135.9万播放 泰拉瑞亚所有NPC入住条件 各NPC好感 新手收藏向 42.8万播放 【泰拉瑞亚】全NPC入住条件指南 17.4万播放03...
[[溺水|]] 加 落傷 [[鬼魂|]] [[髮型|]] [[生命值|]] 命再 品 運 [[魔力|]] 動速 家屬性 交 [[生成|]] 合併 V • D • E 合併 收納物品 [[寶箱|]] [[骨箱|]] ...
【答疑】Calamity mod提问贴 天星云音 大家好,我是数字,因为自己玩灾厄时间也比较长,自诩自己还是比较了解灾厄的,所以,有啥问题灾厄的问题可以往这边提,其他模组的,想weapons out,Fargo也行。 擦脚布擦... 11-26 1 求助sos 我勒个绍刚 大佬们 这是啥情况啊 玩着玩着突然不相应了 然后就这样了 擦...
抛撒粉末是能够用来将物块和墙在其猩红、腐化、或神圣状态间转化的物品。被抛撒时,它们会放出距离很短的粉末(范围和阔剑的攻击范围相近),并产生一定量的光。抛撒粉末有三个变体种类: 净化粉能将任何腐化或猩红物块转化为纯净状态(但不能转化墙),如将黑檀石块转化为