Downloading and installing the Terraria Calamity Mod breathes new life into the base game. Enjoy over 150 extra items and other new content!
If you’ve been playing Terraria for quite some time and feel like you’re running out of stuff to do, this mod is exactly what you need to get excited about playing again. Thorium Category: Gameplay overhaul mod Similar to Calamity, theThoriummod introduces a breadth of new content to ex...
Calamity (TML) Download from: Terraria Community Forum Like Tremor and Thorium, Calamity adds a ridiculous amount of new stuff by way of both standard and unique weapons (melee, ranged and magic), armour loadouts, items, and accessories. The mod also flaunts five new types of mineable ores...
Calamity Mod gives you more challenging modes that are sure to test your skills. You’ll also find the new Rogue class, which emphasizes stealth — perfect for sneaking up on enemies undetected. Plus, Calamity features new songs, recipes, and an interesting leveling system that grants you five...
【答疑】Calamity mod提问贴 天星云音 大家好,我是数字,因为自己玩灾厄时间也比较长,自诩自己还是比较了解灾厄的,所以,有啥问题灾厄的问题可以往这边提,其他模组的,想weapons out,Fargo也行。 擦脚布擦... 11-26 1 求助sos 我勒个绍刚 大佬们 这是啥情况啊 玩着玩着突然不相应了 然后就这样了 擦...
Magic Orb•Blood Bait•Celestial Meteor•Violet Crystal•NPC Bottles Grab bags Magic Bag•Nautilus Bag•Meteor Bag•Violet Bag Mounts Bloody Car Key•Peace Heart Other Blinder Ball•Buddy Bracelet•Arcris Meteor•Corite Knight's Hand Warmer•Valiant Heart ...
Calamity A massive mod that adds lore, an abundance of new items, weapons, armor, biomes, town NPCs, and several hours of post-Moon Lord content. It adds 27 new bosses, 12 new minibosses, and a "Superboss". Dragon Ball Terraria https://dbtmod.fandom....
Tremorhttps://tremormod.fandom.com已終止進行全面重製,因歷史意義而保留。這是泰拉瑞亞的一個巨大的內容模組,有許多新 Boss、敵怪等等。在模組瀏覽器上不再可用,但 GitHub 上有原始原始碼。 Ulterraria Ultraconyx ...
Thoriumhttps://thoriummod.fandom.com泰拉瑞亚的大型内容模组。其目标是成为一个具有与原生泰拉瑞亚有着相同设计元素的非官方 DLC,并提供了三个开发完整的职业(Bard(吟游诗人)、Healer(治疗师)、和 Thrower(投手))、一个位于水下深处的新生物群落、许多激动人心的 Boss、以及出现在游戏各部分的 2200 多个新物品...
【答疑】Calamity mod提问贴 天星云音 大家好,我是数字,因为自己玩灾厄时间也比较长,自诩自己还是比较了解灾厄的,所以,有啥问题灾厄的问题可以往这边提,其他模组的,想weapons out,Fargo也行。 擦脚布擦... 11-26 1 求助sos 我勒个绍刚 大佬们 这是啥情况啊 玩着玩着突然不相应了 然后就这样了 擦...