克苏鲁之脑是唯一受击退作用的 Boss。 与流行的看法相反,飞眼怪并不会掉落暗影之魂、 生物群落钥匙、或 生物群落钥匙模具。 它是仅有的两个进入第二阶段后地图图标不变的 Boss 之一,另一个是圣诞坦克。 克苏鲁之脑(Brain of Cthulhu)有时候被简称为“BoC”。历史...
Brain of Cthulhu Hardmode bossesTo activate Hardmode, defeat the Wall of Flesh in any of the game's three difficulty settings. You will then get access to these bosses: The Destroyer Lunatic Cultist Moon Lord Golem Empress of Light The Twins Skeletron Prime Queen Slime Plantera Duke Fishron ...
Q: Are there any plans to add a mechanical Brain of Cthulhu? If not, why not? A: Not all bosses need a mech boss. Destroyer is good enough Q: Do you guys support the idea of new block mining/placing sounds? A: I don't see a reason why the current sounds need to be replaced?
修复了 an issue where breaking more Orbs/Hearts after summoning Eater of Worlds/Brain of Cthulhu would summon a second one Queen Bee should no longer be summoned and attack you if her Larvae are broken when no one is nearby, including from liquids settling on worldgen 修复了 an issue where...
Brain of Cthulhu Trophy Brain of Cthulu Mask Bramble Crate Brand of the Inferno Brass Lantern Brass Shelf Breaker Breaker Blade Breath Breath meter Breathing Reed Breathing Reed/nl Breathing Reed/tr Breathing Rod Brick Brick/tr Brick Layer Bricks Bricks/tr Bride of Frankenstein Dress Bride of ...
Eye of Cthulhu Eater of Worlds Brain of Cthulhu Queen Bee Skeletron Wall of Flesh Hardmode Queen Slime The Twins The Destroyer Skeletron Prime Plantera Golem Empress of Light Duke Fishron Lunatic Cultist Moon Lord Events Pre-Hardmode Blood Moon ...
Eye of Cthulhu Eater of Worlds Brain of Cthulhu Queen Bee Skeletron Deerclops Wall of Flesh Hardmode Queen Slime The Twins The Destroyer Skeletron Prime Plantera Golem Empress of Light Duke Fishron Lunatic Cultist Moon Lord Events Pre-Hardmode ...
耀 旋 云 尘 ) [[天兔|]] ( [[病兔|]] ) 感恩的火 展开 小动物 展开 友方NPC 展开 亲随 zh:克苏鲁之脑vi:Brain of Cthulhu/vitr:Brain of Cthulhu/tr 社区内容除另有注明外,均在CC BY-NC-SA许可协议下提供。
Moved Vengefull Eye of Cthulhu and Zone Eater to the Reverse Realm.The monsters Eripmav, Corpse Weed, Brain Eater, Imp, High Voodoo Demon, High Demon, Watcher and Starved were moved to only appear on Reverse realm.Nerfed Binoculars loot rate from 1/150 to 1/35.Nerfed some Shields drop ...
Master Mode is an option that can be selected during world creation. It further increases the difficulty of the game beyond Expert Mode, as well as offering Master Mode–exclusive items. Like Expert Mode, Master Mode begins the moment the Master Mode wor