1.4 Bait farm 1.5 Fishing items 1.6 Liquids 1.7 Crystal Shards 1.8 Money 1.9 Enemy Drops 1.10 Other resources 2 Becoming Non Renewable as the Game Progresses 3 Plentiful but Finite 4 Chlorophyte ore 5 Non Renewable 5.1 All Biomes 5.2 Underground and Caverns 5.3 Jungle Temple 5.4 Dungeon 5.5 ...
Bone Torches (from the Skeleton Merchant) are reasonably bright, whitish, and safe to put anywhere, plus they even provide a smaller bonus in biomes that have no biome torch. These are a good choice for the edges of biomes, where they can safely be on-screen when you're in the ...