Desktop Critical Strike increase on accessory reforges have been doubled. Example: The Lucky Reforge was boosted from 2% to 4%.Desktop 1.0.6: Introduced.Nintendo Switch versionSwitch 1.0.711.6: Introduced.Console versionConsole-Release: Introduced....
You can now reforge in all languages 你现在可以在所有语言环境下重铸了 Active blocks will no longer become inactive with a chest on them 激活的方块在箱子放在上面时不再变成未激活状态 Fixed a bug that would cause a suitable house to be unsuitable 修复了导致合适的房子变成不合适的漏洞 Fixed a lo...
Desktop Critical Strike increase on accessory reforges have been doubled. Example: The Lucky Reforge was increased from 2% to 4%.Desktop 1.0.6: Introduced.Nintendo Switch versionSwitch 1.0.711.6: Introduced.Console versionConsole-Release: Introduced....
The game will no longer look for the square root of zero.游戏不再寻找零的平方根Projectiles and harpoon should no longer cause out of memory exception弹幕和鱼叉链枪不再会导致内存溢出异常The guide will no longer say you need a hammer to break life crystals向导不再会说你需要一把锤子来破坏生命...
Like Tremor and Thorium,Calamityadds a ridiculous amount of new stuff by way of both standard and unique weapons (melee, ranged and magic), armour loadouts, items, and accessories. The mod also flaunts five new types of mineable ores and tiles, not to mention ten new bosses each with it...
clients修复了导致怪物在服务器端消失但不在客户端上消失的漏洞You can no longer duplicate items through reforge你不再能通过重铸复制物品The Mummy Shirt now correctly shows the players hand木乃伊上衣现在能正确展示玩家的手The graphic for Pirate Pants has been fixed海盗裤子的贴图已修复The Party Girl will...