The Amarok is a Hardmode yoyo which has a chance to inflict the Frostburn debuff whenever it hits an enemy. It has a reach of 18 tiles, and a spin duration of 15 seconds. The Amarok has a 0.33*1/300 (0.33%) chance to drop from any enemy defeated in a Sno
more damage and uses less mana邪恶荆棘造成更多伤害,使用更少的魔法Magic Daggers have been buffed加强了魔法飞刀All of the old classic armors can be found as rare drops and have the same stats as their current counterparts and count towards set bonuses所有的旧的经典装甲可被发现为稀有掉落物, NPCS...
Critical hits occur randomly when striking enemies. By default, each successful hit on an enemy has a 4% chance of being a "critical hit", dealing approximately double the usual damage of the weapon in use with 40% more knockback. A small number of weapo
Desktop Fixed sell and reforge costs.Desktop 1.3.3: Introduced.Console versionConsole 1.17: Introduced.Nintendo Switch versionSwitch Fixed an issue where there was no delay between casting, which rapidly increased the fire rate and damage output....
Critical hits occur randomly when striking enemies. By default, each successful hit on an enemy has a 4% chance of being a "critical hit", dealing approximately double the usual damage of the weapon in use with 40% more knockback. A small number of weapo
one calledCursed Inferno, which increases all damage received by a struck enemy by 20% and also acts as a heavy DoT. This weapon is almost necessary for many late-game boss fights, thanks to its ability to trivialize most heavily armored enemies. Reforge it into Mythical for the best stats...
Does not inflict throwing damage. You can also throw items by opening the inventory, picking the item you want to throw away and right-clicking outside the inventory. Note that throwing throws the whole stack of items, except for torches, where only one torch will be thrown. Inventory ...
You can now reforge in all languages 你现在可以在所有语言环境下重铸了 Active blocks will no longer become inactive with a chest on them 激活的方块在箱子放在上面时不再变成未激活状态 Fixed a bug that would cause a suitable house to be unsuitable ...