The Calamity Mod for Terraria is alarge content modthat extends the hours of yourTerrariagameplay. Not only does this mod bring new enemies to fight, but it also comes withfour harder difficulty modesthat will really give you a challenge. New NPCs will give players a multitude of loot weapon...
Modeschere Lineal (nur ) Platinbreitschwert Regenschirm (nur ) Schilfrohr Gladius Knochenschwert Zuckerstangen-Schwert Katana Eisklinge Schrecken des Tages Tragischer Regenschirm Muramasa Exotischer Krummsäbel Laserklinge Blutschlächter Sternenwut Verzaubertes Schwert Lila Keulenfisch Bienenzüchter Fal...