地形工具样本资源包 (Terrain Tools Sample Asset Pack) 包含一系列资源,可帮助有兴趣利用 Unity 不断扩大的地形系统的用户进行开发。其中包括 35 种地形笔刷和多种优质地形功能,如非常适合冲压的峡谷、山脊和山脉。还有 6 种具有高质量 PBR 即用纹理的地形层,可将泥土、苔藓、岩石、沙子、碎石堆和雪绘制到地形上...
The Terrain Sample Asset Pack contains a collection of assets to jump-start development for users interested in utilizing Unity’s Terrain system. It includes high resolution heightmaps of various Terrain features that are ideal for stamping. There are also Terrain Layers with high quality PBR-ready...
下载流程简洁明了:在Unity界面中,打开[Window]-[Package Manager],搜索并下载Terrain Sample Asset Pack,其大小约为1.6GB。
要获取此资源包,只需在Unity界面中打开[Window]-[Package Manager],然后下载Terrain Sample Asset Pack。这个资源包的大小约为1.6GB,需要一定的存储空间。
地形工具样本资源包 (Terrain Tools Sample Asset Pack) 包含一系列资源,可帮助有兴趣利用 Unity 不断扩大的地形系统的用户进行开发。其中包括 35 种地形笔刷和多种优质地形功能,如非常适合冲压的峡谷、山脊和山脉。还有 6 种具有高质量 PBR 即用纹理的地形层,可将泥土、苔藓、岩石、沙子、碎石堆和雪绘制到地...
This free asset pack includes three preset terrain examples, including height data. They can be imported into Sandbox to use in any project and you can adjust them for your needs. This pack is released in conjunction with the freeEnvironment Presets pack, which includes thirteen environment preset...
After you've installed the package, a new Download Asset Samples from Asset Store button appears on the top. Clicking it directs you to Unity's Asset Store, where you can download the Terrain Tools Asset Sample Pack. The sample pack includes many high-quality Terrain Brushes and Textu...
Next, you’ll download the free Terrain Tools Sample Asset Pack by clicking the Download Asset Samples from Asset Store button, which is also in the Package Manager. Once you do this, a browser window opens showing the Unity Asset Store. Click Open in Unity, as shown below. Finally, back...
文件: Island Terrain Pack.unitypackage 说明: Unity工具内截图云检查是爱给网根据自动化脚本命令打开模型文件后自动导出生成,主要用于辅助判断预览图和实际模型的一致性。 提示: 由于云检查并不是人工进行的,此项检查存在诸多因素(如视角、背景默认设置不佳等)导致约有6%的模型还不能很好的展示,因此截图并不能完...
模块地形场景模型(Low Poly Modular Terrain Pack 1.1 unity3d asset) 资源编号 :45301862 格式:unity3d 文件体积 :282m 下载量 :29 相关主题 :地形 爱给网提供海量的Unity3D模型专辑资源素材免费下载, 本次作品为unity3d 格式的模块地形场景模型(Low Poly Modular Terrain Pack 1.1 unity3d asset), 本站编号453...