10. The problem is that often the fun would last only a day - the footballs would quickly rip or deflate on rough terrain. terrain 英英释义 terrain的解释 noun 1. a piece of ground having specific characteristics or military potential
1.ground or a piece of ground, esp with reference to its physical character or military potential:radio reception can be difficult in mountainous terrain;a rocky terrain. 2.(Geological Science) a variant spelling ofterrane [C18: from French, ultimately from Latinterrēnumground, fromterraearth] ...
Methods of Using Self-organising Maps for Terrain Classification, Using an Example of Developing a Military Passability MapThe classification of terrain by its passability plays a significant role in the process of Intelligence Preparation of the Battlefield (IPB). In the process of developing pass...
Ananalysisandinterpretationofnaturalandmanmadefeaturesof anarea,theireffectsonmilitaryoperations,andtheeffectofweatherandclimateonthesefeatures. DictionaryofMilitaryandAssociatedTerms.USDepartmentofDefense2005. Want to thank TFD for its existence?Tell a friend about us, add a link to this page, or visitthe...
A:Terrain is a piece of land. Usually used when we are describing its natural features or military advantages. This mountain bike is intended for riding through roughterrain. Theterrainhere is unsuitable for farming. The robot was sent out to map out theterrainof Mars. ...
It also comes with a variety of new features for better performance, visuals and ease of use as it becomes the mainstream of TerraWorld development. Here are the key features TerraWorld 2023 holds compared to the latest TerraWorld 2021: User-friendly and intuitive Graph system with Nodes linked ...
Mounted on a piece of quarter-inch plywood measuring about 8″ x 18″, this hefty model features three canon positions on a plaster raised earth mound surrounded by resin-cast wicker gabions and sharpened wooden stakes. The years had not been kind to the model. Original trees had snapped off...
Well of course a map and hex matrix don't line up, rivers aren't expected to fall nicely on the hex lines. But then isn't that true for every land feature? It's silly to apply your argument to rivers while neglecting to mention that there are no land features that adhere to the ...
Combine Synthetic Vision with a Plates on Map view for great situational awareness during an instrument approach. This is especially helpful for managing the workload during single pilot IFR operations. Refined Terrain Highlighting and Contours
Although he may have some additional intelligence information (e.g., “four jet fighters are flying in from the south”), the estimation is, for the most part, based on a map of the terrain. The presence of terrain features such as valleys, rivers, roads, forests, and villages may give...