Terraform is a powerful infrastructure as code (IaC) tool that enables you to define and manage your cloud infrastructure in a declarative manner. One of the key features of Terraform is the ability to use variables, which allow you to parameterize your
基本类型:string、number、bool 复合类型:list(<TYPE>)、set(<TYPE>)、map(<TYPE>)、object({<ATTR NAME> = <TYPE>, ... })、tuple([<TYPE>, ...]) 描述 简要描述每个变量的用途。例如: variable"image_id"{ type=string description="The id of the machine image (AMI) to use for the server...
you might need to transform a list of strings into a map of objects for your Terraform configurations. This article will guide you through the problem and its solution using Terraform’s for loop and local variables.
4.3 配置 variables.tf 文件 以下展示了 variables.tf 文件的部分内容,完整代码请参考本教程结尾附件部分: # EC2 实例的其他参数内容已省略... variable "ddbversion" { description = "version of DolphinDB to install" type = string } variable "replace_dolphindb_lic" { description = "whether to replace...
Take note of the commands which show in yellow (after Running:), they are the actual commands which are run to bootstrap the environment (az, tf init/command)Runtime Variables:\n Cloud: azure\n Section: main\n Deployment: us2\n Action: apply\n Variables: /mnt/c/Projects/thebarn/eiac...
Basically when I hashout (as it is hashed out on example above) the map which contains output from another module and pass data containing only strings or variables then it works, other wise I get: spec.0.template.0.spec.0.container.0.env: should be a list ...
variables.tf 该文件包含了部署MySQL和WordPress所依赖的参数。 variable "wordpress_version" { description = "The version of wordpress. Default to 4.7.3." default = "4.7.3" } variable "mysql_password" { description = "Please input mysql password." } variable "mysql_version" { description = "...
变量Variables 变量是实现代码复用的一种方式,同样的代码不同的变量往往会有不同的效果。而在Terraform里,有一个概念非常重要,就是变量都是从属于模块的。变量无法跨模块引用。即在模块A定义的变量X,无法在模块B中直接引用。但父模块的变量,可以作为子模块的入参;而子模块的输出变量可以被父模块获取。
The reason for this error is not that you used a variable inside a list, but that you used a variable inside the default value of another variable. Variable defaults must always be constant values, and cannot include references to other objects such as variables or resources. It looks like ...
创建名为variables.tf的文件并插入下列代码: Terraform variable"resource_group_location"{ type = string default ="eastus"description ="Location of the resource group."}variable"resource_group_name_prefix"{ type = string default ="rg"description ="Prefix of the resource group name that's combined ...