Terraform = "true" Environment = "dev" Owner = "cloudsway" } } providers.tf 定义子模块的provider provider "aws" { profile = var.profile region = var.main-region alias = "ap-northeast-2" } variables.tf 定义vpc子模块输入变量,接收上层模块的定义 ### # General Variables from root module ...
Read more about using alias in the official Terraform documentation, and see Configuring the Provider for more information about how Terraform uses environment variables and the OCI config file. "Field cannot be set" Error Message If the Terraform CLI returns an error message like the following: ...
Terraform Environment Variables Terraform environment variables are used to customize various aspects of Terraform's behavior, such as logging, input handling, and backend configuration. They can also be used to set values for input variables by using the TF_VAR_ prefix followed by the variable na...
Authenticate via a Microsoft account using Windows (with Bash or PowerShell) Authenticate via a service principal: If you don't have a service principal, create a service principal. Authenticate to Azure using environment variables or authenticate to Azure using the Terraform provider blockAuthenticat...
Authenticate via a Microsoft account using Windows (with Bash or PowerShell) Authenticate via a service principal: If you don't have a service principal,create a service principal. Authenticate to Azure using environment variablesorauthenticate to Azure using the Terraform provider block ...
{"environmentVariablesOverride": [ { "name": "REFERENCE_NAME", "value": <referenceName> }, { "name": "REFERENCE_TYPE", "value": <referenceType> }, { "name": "REPOSITORY_NAME", "value": <repositoryName> }, { "name": "REPO_REGION", ...
source_code_hash = filebase64sha256("iotdemo_lambda_function.zip") runtime = "python3.7" vpc_config { subnet_ids = ["${var.iotdemo_subnet_ids}"] security_group_ids = ["${var.iotdemo_security_group_ids}"] } environment { variables = { HTTP_API_URL = "https://xxx.xxx....
Retrieves values from environment variables. 该方法从环境变量中检索值,然后使用任何设置的 Terraform 配置值重写它们。 Creates API client. 该方法调用 HashiCups API 客户端的 NewClient 函数。 Stores configured client for data source and resource usage. 该方法设置响应的 DataSourceData and ResourceData 字段...
false: does not expose the load balancer for the API servers of the Service Mesh instance by using an EIP. Run the following command to initialize the runtime environment for Terraform: terraform init Expected output: Initializing the backend... Initializing provider plugins... - Finding ali...
# Newark Testing Environment Infrastructure provider "linode" { key = "your-linode-API-key-here" } module "appserver" { source = "/your/absolute/path/to/modules/appserver" # Variables Specific to this Deployment region = "Newark, NJ, USA" ssh_key = "your-ssh-id_rsa" root_password =...