Use provisioners to initialize instances when they're created. 比如local-execremote-exec# 自动化 terraform init -input=false to initialize the working directory. terraform plan -out=tfplan -input=false to create a plan and save it to the local file tfplan. terraform apply -input=false tfplan...
output “private_ip” { value = module.example.private_ip } output “instance_id” { value = module.example.instance_id } module中必须通过 source参数指定子模块路径,如果子模块中有Input Variables,可以在module的body中指定。 另外由上面的例子可知,在父模块中可以引用子模块的output值。 3.4 Data Sourc...
Setting a variable assensitiveprevents Terraform from showing its value in theplanorapplyoutput, when you use that variable elsewhere in your configuration. Terraform will still record sensitive values in thestate, and so anyone who can access the state data will have access to the sensitive values...
I'm unsure for the value of the place_before parameter in the resource (data.routeros_firewall.fw). Thus, from my understanding, to useplace_before; it is necessary to have already instantiated rules into the running configuration. So, to apply this configuration to a new firewall, we'll...
Declare the use of module_A’s output variable in the configuration of another module, module_B. Create a new key name in module_B and set the value equal to the output variable from module_A. Finally, create a file for module_B. In this file, create an input variable ...
"as-is" basis, and may include bugs, errors, or other issues; (3) the Software is NOT INTENDED FOR PRODUCTION USE, use of the Software may result in unexpected results, loss of data, or other unexpected results, and HashiCorp disclaims any and all liability resulting from use of the ...
output "lb_dns_name" { value = module.base.lb_dns_name } 蓝绿环境割接 当Blue 环境全部启动之后,就可以进行蓝绿切换了。代码如下 provider "aws" { region = "us-west-2" } variable "production" { default = "blue"
data "dominos_address" "addr" { street = var.street } Utilizing Built-in Functions Terraform provides a variety of built-in functions that you can use to manipulate and transform variable values. These functions enable you to perform operations such as string manipulation, mathematical calculations...
worker_auto_renew_period,worker_disk_category,worker_disk_size,worker_data_disks,node_port_range,cpu_policy,user_data,taints,worker_disk_performance_level,worker_disk_snapshot_policy_id,kube_config,availability_zoneare removed. Please use resourcealicloud_cs_kubernetes_node_poolto manage your ...
The high-level steps to implement this solution are as follows: Create and initialize a Terraform project. Create data sources for context lookup. Create an S3 bucket to store training, validation, and output data. Create an IAM service role th...